MQTT Simulator

This microservice is a community contribution and is not part of the main stack of the United Manufacturing Hub, but is enabled by default.

The IoTSensors MQTT Simulator is a microservice that simulates sensors sending data to the MQTT broker. You can read the full documentation on the

GitHub repository.

How it works

The microservice publishes messages on the topic ia/raw/development/ioTSensors/, creating a subtopic for each simulation. The subtopics are the names of the simulations, which are Temperature, Humidity, and Pressure. The values are calculated using a normal distribution with a mean and standard deviation that can be configured.

What’s next

  • Read the IoTSensors MQTT Simulator reference documentation to learn more about the technical details of the IoTSensors MQTT Simulator microservice.
Last modified July 2, 2024: Fix ENG-919 (16e32ef)