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Historian Data Contract

This page is a deep dive of the Historian Data Contract of the UMH including the configuration and rules associated to it.

    This section focuses on the specific details and configurations of the Historian Data Contract. If you are not familiar with Data Contracts, you should first read the Data Contracts / API page.


    The purpose of the Historian Data Contract is to govern the flow of data from the Protocol Converter to the database. It enforces rules for the structure of payloads and topics, and provides the necessary infrastructure to bridge data in the Unified Namespace and write it to the database.

    This ensures that data is only stored in a format accepted by the database, and makes it easier to integrate services like Grafana because the data structure is already known.

    It also ensures that each message is idempotent (can be safely processed multiple times without changing the result), by making each message within a tag completely unique by its timestamp. This is critical because messages are sent using “at least once” semantics, which can lead to duplicates. With idempotency, duplicate messages are ignored, ensuring that each message is only stored once in the database.

    Topic Structure in the Historian Data Contract

    flowchart LR umh --> v1 v1 --> enterprise enterprise -->|Optional| site site -->|Optional| area area -->|Optional| productionLine productionLine -->|Optional| workCell workCell -->|Optional| originID originID -.-> _historian _historian -->_tagGroups classDef mqtt fill:#00dd00,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; class umh,v1,enterprise,_historian mqtt; classDef optional fill:#77aa77,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; class site,area,productionLine,workCell,originID optional; enterprise -.-> _historian site -.-> _historian area -.-> _historian productionLine -.-> _historian workCell -.-> _historian
    flowchart LR umh --> v1 v1 --> enterprise enterprise -->|Optional| site site -->|Optional| area area -->|Optional| productionLine productionLine -->|Optional| workCell workCell -->|Optional| originID originID -.-> _historian _historian -->_tagGroups classDef mqtt fill:#00dd00,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; class umh,v1,enterprise,_historian mqtt; classDef optional fill:#77aa77,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; class site,area,productionLine,workCell,originID optional; enterprise -.-> _historian site -.-> _historian area -.-> _historian productionLine -.-> _historian workCell -.-> _historian

    The prefix and Location of the topic in the Historian Data Contract follows the same rules as already described on the general Data Contracts page.


    The first section is the mandatory prefix: umh.v1.. It ensures that the structure can evolve over time without causing confusion or compatibility problems.


    The next section is the Location, which consists of six parts: You may be familiar with this structure as it is used by your instances and connections. Here, the enterprise field is mandatory.

    When you create a Protocol Converter, it uses the Location of the instance and the connection to prefill the topic, but you can add the unused ones or change the prefilled parts.

    Schema: _historian

    The only schema in the Historian Data Contract is _historian. Without it, your messages will not be processed.

    Tag groups

    In addition to the Location, you can also use tag groups. A tag group is just an additional part after the schema:


    You can add as many tag groups as you like:


    In the tag browser, a tag group will look like any field in the Location, except that it is located after the schema.


    Tag groups can be useful for adding context to your tags or for keeping track of them in the tag browser. For example, you might use them to categorize the sensors on a CNC mill.

    • A group for the x, y, z axis positions:

    • A second group for the machine state:

    Payload structure

    The Historian Data Contract requires that your messages be a JSON file with a specific structure and include a timestamp and at least one tag with a value, both as a key-value pair. The most basic message looks like this

      "timestamp_ms": 1732280023697,
      "tagname": 42

    The timestamp must be called "timestamp_ms" and contain the timestamp in milliseconds. The value of the tag can be either a number "tagname": 123 or a string "tagname": "string". The "tagname" is used in the tag browser or for Grafana.

    It is also possible to include multiple tags in a single payload.

      "timestamp_ms": 1732280023697,
      "tagname1": 123,
      "tagname2": "string",
      "tagname3": "string"

    If you want to use tag groups, you can also do this in the payload.

      "timestamp_ms": 1732280023697,
        "tagname1": 123,
        "tagname2": "string"

    Both, tagname1 and tagname2, will appear in the [...]._historian.taggroup topic.

    You can see the full JSON schema below:

    Show JSON Schema

    Data Flow Components

    The Historian Data Contract enables data acquisition and processing through the use of Protocol Converters and the automatic deployment of three Data Bridges.

    Data Bridges

    There are three Data Bridges in the Historian Data Contract, which are automatically created and configured when the instance is created. The first bridge routes messages from Kafka to MQTT, the second from MQTT to Kafka. The third Data Bridge bridges messages from Kafka to the TimescaleDB database. The Data Bridges are responsible for validating the topic and payload, and adding error logs in case a message is not valid. Their configurations are not editable in the Management Console.

    Protocol Converters

    The easiest way to get data into your UNS is to use a Protocol Converter. If you want to learn how to do this, you can follow our Get Started guide. The configuration of a Protocol Converter consists of three sections:

    • Input: Here you specify the address, protocol used, authentication, and the “location” of the data on the connected device. This could be the NodeID on an OPC UA PLC.
    • Processing: In this section, you manipulate the data, build the timestamped payload, and specify the topic.
    • Output: The output is completely auto-generated and cannot be modified. The data is always sent to the instance’s Kafka broker.

    Information specific to the selected protocol and section can be found by clicking on the vertical PROTOCOL CONVERTER button on the right edge of the window.

    Verified Protocols

    Our Protocol Converters are compatible with a long list of protocols. The most important ones are considered verified by us; look for the check mark next to the protocol name when selecting the protocol on the Edit Protocol Converter page in the Management Console.

    If you are using one of the verified protocols, many of the fields will be populated automatically based on the underlying connection and instance. The input section uses the address of the connection and adds prefixes and suffixes as necessary. If you are using OPC UA, the username and password are autofilled. The preconfigured processing section will use the location of the instance and the connection to build the topic and use the name of the original tag as the tag name. It will also automatically generate a payload with a timestamp and the value of the incoming message. If the preconfiguration does not meet your needs, you can change it.


    We use TimescaleDB as the database in the UMH. By default, only tags from the Historian Data Contract are written to the database.

    Our database for the Historian Data Contract consists of three tables. We chose this layout to allow easy lookups based on the asset, while maintaining separation between data and names. The separation into tag and tag_string prevents accidental lookups of the wrong data type, which could break queries such as aggregations or averages.

    erDiagram asset { int id PK "SERIAL PRIMARY KEY" text enterprise "NOT NULL" text site "DEFAULT '' NOT NULL" text area "DEFAULT '' NOT NULL" text line "DEFAULT '' NOT NULL" text workcell "DEFAULT '' NOT NULL" text origin_id "DEFAULT '' NOT NULL" } tag { timestamptz timestamp "NOT NULL" text name "NOT NULL" text origin "NOT NULL" int asset_id FK "REFERENCES asset(id) NOT NULL" real value } tag_string { timestamptz timestamp "NOT NULL" text name "NOT NULL" text origin "NOT NULL" int asset_id FK "REFERENCES asset(id) NOT NULL" text value } asset ||--o{ tag : "id" asset ||--o{ tag_string : "id"
    erDiagram asset { int id PK "SERIAL PRIMARY KEY" text enterprise "NOT NULL" text site "DEFAULT '' NOT NULL" text area "DEFAULT '' NOT NULL" text line "DEFAULT '' NOT NULL" text workcell "DEFAULT '' NOT NULL" text origin_id "DEFAULT '' NOT NULL" } tag { timestamptz timestamp "NOT NULL" text name "NOT NULL" text origin "NOT NULL" int asset_id FK "REFERENCES asset(id) NOT NULL" real value } tag_string { timestamptz timestamp "NOT NULL" text name "NOT NULL" text origin "NOT NULL" int asset_id FK "REFERENCES asset(id) NOT NULL" text value } asset ||--o{ tag : "id" asset ||--o{ tag_string : "id"


    An asset to us is the unique combination of the parts of the Location: enterprise, site, area, line, workcell, and origin_id. Each asset has an id that is automatically assigned.

    All keys except id and enterprise are optional. The example below shows how the table might look. A new asset is added to the bottom of the table.



    This table is a Timescale hypertable. These tables are optimized to hold a large amount of data roughly sorted by time.

    For example, we send data to umh/v1/cuttingincorporated/cologne/cnc-cutter/_historian/head using the following JSON:

     "timestamp_ms": 1670001234567,
        "x": 12.5,
        "y": 7.3,
        "z": 3.2
      "temperature": 50.0,
      "collision": false

    This results in the following table entries:


    All tags have the same asset_id because each topic contains the same Location. The tag groups are not part of the asset and are prefixed to the tag name.

    The origin is a placeholder for a later feature, and currently defaults to unknown.


    This table is similar to the tag table, but is used for string data. For example, a CNC cutter could also output the G-code being processed.


     "timestamp_ms": 1670001247568,
      "g-code": "G01 X10 Y10 Z0"

    Posting this message to the topic from above would result in this entry:

    1670001247568g-codeunknown8G01 X10 Y10 Z0