This feature is still under active development. While it is available for use, it may not be fully functional or stable.


Messages for our analytics feature

Topic structure

flowchart LR topicStart["umh.v1..."] --> _analytics _analytics --> wo[work-order] wo --> wo-create[create] wo --> wo-start[start] wo --> wo-stop[stop] _analytics --> pt[product-type] pt --> pt-create[create] _analytics --> p[product] p --> p-add[add] p --> p-set-bad-quantity[setBadQuantity] _analytics --> s[shift] s --> s-add[add] s --> s-delete[delete] _analytics --> st[state] st --> st-add[add] st --> st-overwrite[overwrite] classDef mqtt fill:#00dd00,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; class umh,v1,enterprise,_analytics mqtt; classDef type fill:#00ffbb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; class wo,pt,p,s,st type; classDef func fill:#8899dd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; class wo-create,wo-start,wo-stop,pt-create,p-add,p-set-bad-quantity,s-add,s-delete,st-add,st-overwrite func; click topicStart href "../" click wo href "#work-order" click pt href "#product-type" click p href "#product" click s href "#shift" click wo-create href "#create" click wo-start href "#start" click wo-stop href "#stop" click pt-create href "#create-1" click p-add href "#add" click p-set-bad-quantity href "#set-bad-quantity" click s-add href "#add-1" click s-delete href "#delete" click st-add href "#add-2" click st-overwrite href "#overwrite"
flowchart LR topicStart["umh.v1..."] --> _analytics _analytics --> wo[work-order] wo --> wo-create[create] wo --> wo-start[start] wo --> wo-stop[stop] _analytics --> pt[product-type] pt --> pt-create[create] _analytics --> p[product] p --> p-add[add] p --> p-set-bad-quantity[setBadQuantity] _analytics --> s[shift] s --> s-add[add] s --> s-delete[delete] _analytics --> st[state] st --> st-add[add] st --> st-overwrite[overwrite] classDef mqtt fill:#00dd00,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; class umh,v1,enterprise,_analytics mqtt; classDef type fill:#00ffbb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; class wo,pt,p,s,st type; classDef func fill:#8899dd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; class wo-create,wo-start,wo-stop,pt-create,p-add,p-set-bad-quantity,s-add,s-delete,st-add,st-overwrite func; click topicStart href "../" click wo href "#work-order" click pt href "#product-type" click p href "#product" click s href "#shift" click wo-create href "#create" click wo-start href "#start" click wo-stop href "#stop" click pt-create href "#create-1" click p-add href "#add" click p-set-bad-quantity href "#set-bad-quantity" click s-add href "#add-1" click s-delete href "#delete" click st-add href "#add-2" click st-overwrite href "#overwrite"

Work Order


Use this topic to create a new work order.

This replaces the addOrder message from our v0 data model.


  • external_work_order_id (string): The work order ID from your MES or ERP system.
  • product (object): The product being produced.
    • external_product_id (string): The product ID from your MES or ERP system.
    • cycle_time_ms (number) (optional): The cycle time for the product in seconds. Only include this if the product has not been previously created.
  • quantity (number): The quantity of the product to be produced.
  • status (number) (optional): The status of the work order. Defaults to 0 (created).
    • 0 - Planned
    • 1 - In progress
    • 2 - Completed
  • start_time_unix_ms (number) (optional): The start time of the work order. Will be set by the corresponding start message if not provided.
  • end_time_unix_ms (number) (optional): The end time of the work order. Will be set by the corresponding stop message if not provided.


  "external_work_order_id": "1234",
  "product": {
    "external_product_id": "5678"
  "quantity": 100,
  "status": 0


Use this topic to start a previously created work order.

Each work order can only be started once. Only work orders with status 0 (planned) and no start time can be started.


  • external_work_order_id (string): The work order ID from your MES or ERP system.
  • start_time_unix_ms (number): The start time of the work order.


  "external_work_order_id": "1234",
  "start_time_unix_ms": 1719931704927


Use this topic to stop a previously started work order.

Stopping an already stopped work order will have no effect. Only work orders with status 1 (in progress) and no end time can be stopped.


  • external_work_order_id (string): The work order ID from your MES or ERP system.
  • end_time_unix_ms (number): The end time of the work order.


  "external_work_order_id": "1234",
  "end_time_unix_ms": 1719931704927

Product Type


Announce a new product type.

We recommend using the work-order/create message to create products on the fly.


  • external_product_type_id (string): The product type ID from your MES or ERP system.
  • cycle_time_ms (number) (optional): The cycle time for the product in milliseconds.


  "external_product_type_id": "5678",
  "cycle_time_ms": 60



Communicates the completion of part of a work order.


  • external_product_type_id (string): The product type ID from your MES or ERP system.
  • product_batch_id (string) (optional): Unique identifier for the product. This could for example be a barcode or serial number.
  • start_time_unix_ms (number): The start time of the product.
  • end_time_unix_ms (number): The end time of the product.
  • quantity (number): The quantity of the product produced.
  • bad_quantity (number) (optional): The quantity of bad products produced.


  "external_product_type_id": "5678",
  "product_batch_id": "1234",
  "start_time_unix_ms": 1719931604927,
  "end_time_unix_ms": 1719931704927,
  "quantity": 100,
  "bad_quantity": 5

Set Bad Quantity

Modify the quantity of bad products produced.


  • external_product_type_id (string): The product type ID from your MES or ERP system.
  • end_time_unix_ms (string): The end time of the product, used to identify an existing product.
  • bad_quantity (number): The new quantity of bad products produced.


  "external_product_type_id": "5678",
  "end_time": 1719931704927,
  "bad_quantity": 10



Announce a new shift.


  • start_time_unix_ms (number): The start time of the shift.
  • end_time_unix_ms (number): The end time of the shift.


  "start_time_unix_ms": 1719931604927,
  "end_time_unix_ms": 1719931704927


Delete a previously created shift.


  • start_time_unix_ms (number): The start time of the shift.


  "start_time_unix_ms": 1719931604927



Announce a state change.

Checkout the state documentation for a list of available states.


  • state (number): The state of the machine.
  • start_time_unix_ms (number): The start time of the state.


  "state": 10000,
  "start_time_unix_ms": 1719931604927


Overwrite one or more states between two times.


  • state (number): The state of the machine.
  • start_time_unix_ms (number): The start time of the state.
  • end_time_unix_ms (number): The end time of the state.
Last modified July 2, 2024: Fix ENG-919 (16e32ef)