Versioning Documentation

This page describe how to version the documentation website.

With the Beta release of the Management Console, we are introducing a new versioning system for the documentation website. This system will ensure that the documentation is versioned in sync with the Management Console’s minor versions. Each new minor release of the Management Console will correspond to a new version of the documentation.


Below is an outline of the branching strategy we will employ for versioning the documentation website:

Branching system
Branching system

main branch

The main branch will serve as the living documentation for the latest released version of the Management Console. Following a new release, only patches and hotfixes will be committed to this branch.

Version branches

Upon the release of a new minor version of the Management Console, a snapshot of the main branch will be taken. This serves as an archive for the documentation corresponding to the previous version. For instance, with the release of Management Console version 1.1, we will create a branch from main named v1.0. The v1.0 branch will host the documentation for the Management Console version 1.0 and will no longer receive updates for subsequent versions.

Development branches

Simultaneously with the snapshot creation, we’ll establish a development branch for the upcoming version. For example, concurrent with the launch of Management Console version 1.1, we will initiate a dev-v1.2 branch. This branch will accumulate all the documentation updates for the forthcoming version of the Management Console. Upon the release of the next version, we will merge the dev-v1.2 branch into main, updating the documentation website to reflect the newest version.

Hugo configuration

To maintain the versioning of our documentation website, specific adjustments need to be made to the Hugo configuration file (hugo.toml). Follow the steps below to ensure the versioning is correctly reflected.

  • Version branches

    • Update the latest parameter to match the branch version. For instance, for the v1.0 branch, set latest to 1.0.

    • The [[params.versions]] array should include entries for the current version and the upcoming version. For the v1.0 branch, the configuration would be:

      version = "1.1" # Upcoming version
      url = ""
      branch = "main"
      version = "1.0" # Current version
      url = ""
      branch = "v1.0"
  • Development branches

    • Set the latest parameter to the version that the branch is preparing. If the branch is dev-v1.2, then latest should be 1.2.

    • The [[params.versions]] array should list the version being developed using the Cloudflare Pages URL. The entry for dev-v1.2 would be:

      version = "1.2" # Version in development
      url = ""
      branch = "dev-v1.2"
      version = "1.1" # latest version
      url = ""
      branch = "main"
    • Prior to merging a development branch into main, update the url for the version being released to point to the main site and adjust the entry for the previous version to its Cloudflare Pages URL. For instance, just before merging dev-v1.2:

      version = "1.2" # New stable version
      url = ""
      branch = "main"
      version = "1.1" # Previous version
      url = ""
      branch = "v1.1"

Always ensure that the [[params.versions]] array reflects the correct order of the versions, with the newest version appearing first.

Last modified July 2, 2024: Fix ENG-919 (16e32ef)