Release Process

This page describes how to release a new version of the United Manufacturing Hub.

Releases are coordinated by the United Manufacturing Hub team. All the features and bug fixes due for a release are tracked in the internal project board.

Once all the features and bug fixes for a release are ready and merged into the staging branch, the release process can start.


This section is for internal use at UMH.


If a new version of the Companion is ready to be released, it must be tested before it can be published. The testing process is done in the staging environment.

The developer can push to the staging branch all the changes that needs to be tested, including the new version definition in the Updater and in the version.json file. They can then use the make docker_tag GIT_TAG=<semver-tag-to-be-released> command from the Companion directory to build and push the image. After that, from the staging environment, they can trigger the update process.

This process will not make the changes available to the user, but keep in mind that the tagged version could still be accidentally used. Once the testing is done, all the changes are pushed to main and the new release is published, the image will be overwritten with the correct one.

Preparing the Documentation

Begin by drafting new documentation within the /docs/whatsnew directory of the United Manufacturing Hub documentation repository. Your draft should comprehensively include:

  • The UMH version rolled out with this release.
  • The new Companion version.
  • Versions of any installed plugins, such as Benthos-UMH.

Initiate your document with an executive summary that encapsulates updates and changes across all platforms, including UMH and Companion.

Version Update Procedure

Navigate to the ManagementConsole repository and contribute a new .go file within the /updater/cmd/upgrades path. This file’s name must adhere to the semantic versioning convention of the update (e.g., 0.0.5.go).

This file should:

  • Implement the Version interface defined in upgrade_interface.go.
  • Include PreMigration and PostMigration functions. These functions should return another function that, when executed, returns nil unless specific migration tasks are necessary. This nested function structure allows for conditional execution of migration steps, as demonstrated in the PostMigration example below:
    func (v *v0x0x5) PostMigration() func(version *semver.Version, clientset kubernetes.Interface) error {
        return func(version *semver.Version, clientset kubernetes.Interface) error {
            zap.S().Infof("Post-Migration 0.0.5")
            return nil
  • Define GetImageVersion to return the Docker tag associated with the new version. For 0.5.0 this would look like:
    func (v *v0x0x5) GetImageVersion() *semver.Version {
        return semver.New(0, 0, 5, "", "")
  • Specify any Kubernetes controllers (e.g., Statefulsets, Deployments) needing restart post-update in the GetPodControllers function. Usually you just need to restart the companion itself, so you can use:
    func (v *v0x0x5) GetPodControllers() []types.KubernetesController {
        return []types.KubernetesController{
                Name: constants.StatefulsetName,
                Type: types.Statefulset,

Validate that all kubernetes objects referenced here, are designed to restart after terminating their Pod. This is especially important for Jobs.

Inside the versions.go, ensure to add your version inside the buildVersionLinkedList function.

func buildVersionLinkedList() error {
	var err error
	builderOnce.Do(func() {
		zap.S().Infof("Building version list")
		start := v0x0x1{}
		versionLinkedList = &start
		    Other previous versions
		// Our new version
		err = addVersion(&v0x0x5{})
		if err != nil {
			zap.S().Warnf("Failed to add 0.0.5 to version list: %s", err)
		zap.S().Infof("Build version list")
	return err

Update the version.json in the frontend/static/version directory with the new image tag and incorporate the changelog derived from your initial documentation draft.

  "companion": {
    "versions": [
        "semver": "0.0.1",
        "changelog": {
          "full": ["INTERNAL TESTING 0.0.1"],
          "short": "Bugfixes"
        "requiresManualIntervention": false
       // Other previous versions        

       // Our new version 
        "semver": "0.0.5",
        "changelog": {
          "full": ["See 0.0.4"],
          "short": "This version is the same as 0.0.5 and is used for upgrade testing"
        "requiresManualIntervention": false

Finalizing the Release

To finalize:

  1. Submit a PR to the documentation repository to transition the release notes from draft to final.
  2. Initiate a PR from the staging to the main branch within the ManagementConsole repository, ensuring to reference the documentation PR.
  3. Confirm the success of all test suites.
  4. Merge the code changes and formalize the release on GitHub, labeling it with the semantic version (e.g., 0.0.5, excluding any preceding v).
  5. Merge the documentation PR to publicize the new version within the official documentation.


  • Draft documentation in /docs/whatsnew with version details and summary.
  • Add new .go file for version update in /updater/cmd/upgrades.
  • Implement Version interface and necessary migration functions.
  • Update version.json with new image tag and changelog.
  • Submit PR to finalize documentation.
  • Create and merge PR in ManagementConsole repository, referencing documentation PR.
  • Validate tests and merge code changes.
  • Release new GitHub version without the v prefix.
  • Merge documentation PR to publish new version details.

Helm Chart


The prerelease process is used to test the release before it is published. If bugs are found during the prerelease, they can be fixed and the release process can be restarted. Once the prerelease is finished, the release can be published.

  1. Create a prerelease branch from staging:

    git checkout staging
    git pull
    git checkout -b <next-version>-prerelease1
  2. Update the version and appVersion fields in the Chart.yaml file to the next version:

    version: <next-version>-prerelease1
    appVersion: <next-version>-prerelease1
  3. Validate that all external docker images are correctly overwritten. This is especially important if an external chart is updated. The easiest way to do this is to run helm template and check the output.

  4. Navigate to the deployment/helm-repo directory and run the following commands:

    helm package ../united-manufacturing-hub
    helm repo index --url --merge index.yaml .

    Pay attantion to use - instead of . as a separator in <next-version>.

  5. Commit and push the changes:

    git add .
    git commit -m "build: <next-version>-prerelease1"
    git push origin <next-version>-prerelease1
  6. Merge prerelease branch into staging


All the new releases must be thoroughly tested before they can be published. This includes specific tests for the new features and bug fixes, as well as general tests for the whole stack.

General tests include, but are not limited to:

  • Deploy the stack with flatcar
  • Upgrade the stack from the previous version
  • Deploy the stack on Karbon 300 and test with real sensors

If any bugs are found during the testing phase, they must be fixed and pushed to the prerelease branch. Multiple prerelease versions can be created if necessary.


Once all the tests have passed, the release can be published. Merge the prerelease branch into staging and create a new release branch.

  1. Create a release branch from staging:

    git checkout main
    git pull
    git checkout -b <next-version>
  2. Update the version and appVersion fields in the Chart.yaml file to the next version:

    version: <next-version>
    appVersion: <next-version>
  3. Navigate to the deployment/helm-repo directory and run the following commands:

    helm package ../united-manufacturing-hub
    helm repo index --url --merge index.yaml .
  4. Commit and push the changes, tagging the release:

    git add .
    git commit -m "build: <next-version>"
    git tag <next-version>
    git push origin <next-version> --tags
  5. Merge the release branch into staging

  6. Merge staging into main and create a new release from the tag on GitHub.

Last modified July 2, 2024: Fix ENG-919 (16e32ef)