If you have events that you just want to send to the message broker / Unified Namespace without the need for it to be stored, simply send it to the raw topic.
This data will not be processed by the UMH stack, but you can use it to build your own data processing pipeline.
ProcessValue Data
If you have data that does not fit in the other topics (such as your PLC tags or sensor data), you can use the processValue topic. It will be saved in the database in the processValue or processValueString and can be queried using factorysinsight or the umh-datasource Grafana plugin.
Production Data
In a production environment, you should first declare products using addProduct.
This allows you to create an order using addOrder. Once you have created an order,
send an state message to tell the database that the machine is working (or not working) on the order.
When the machine is ordered to produce a product, send a startOrder message.
When the machine has finished producing the product, send an endOrder message.
Send count messages if the machine has produced a product, but it does not make sense to give the product its ID. Especially useful for bottling or any other use case with a large amount of products, where not each product is traced.
Recommendation: Start with addShift and state and continue from there on
Modifying Data
If you have accidentally sent the wrong state or if you want to modify a value, you can use the modifyState message.
Unique Product Tracking
You can use uniqueProduct to tell the database that a new instance of a product has been created.
If the produced product is scrapped, you can use scrapUniqueProduct to change its state to scrapped.
1 - Messages
For each message topic you will find a short description what the message is used for and which structure it has, as well as what structure the payload is excepted to have.
The United Manufacturing Hub provides a specific structure for messages/topics, each with its own unique purpose.
By adhering to this structure, the UMH will automatically calculate KPIs for you, while also making it easier to maintain
consistency in your topic structure.
1.1 - activity
activity messages are sent when a new order is added.
This is part of our recommended workflow to create machine states. The data sent here will not be stored in the database automatically, as it will be required to be converted into a state. In the future, there will be a microservice, which converts these automatically.
A message is sent here each time a new order is added.
data type
current product name
current order name
amount of units to be produced
The product needs to be added before adding the order. Otherwise, this message will be discarded
One order is always specific to that asset and can, by definition, not be used across machines. For this case one would need to create one order and product for each asset (reason: one product might go through multiple machines, but might have different target durations or even target units, e.g. one big 100m batch get split up into multiple pieces)
One order was started for 100 units of product “test”:
This message can be emitted to add a child product to a parent product.
It can be sent multiple times, if a parent product is split up into multiple child’s or multiple parents are combined into one child. One example for this if multiple parts are assembled to a single product.
detectedAnomaly messages are sent when an asset has stopped and the reason is identified.
This is part of our recommended workflow to create machine states. The data sent here will not be stored in the database automatically, as it will be required to be converted into a state. In the future, there will be a microservice, which converts these automatically.
If you have a lot of processValues, we’d recommend not using the /processValue as topic, but to append the tag name as well, e.g., /processValue/energyConsumption. This will structure it better for usage in MQTT Explorer or for data processing only certain processValues.
For automatic data storage in kafka-to-postgresql both will work fine as long as the payload is correct.
Please be aware that the values may only be int or float, other character are not valid, so make sure there is no quotation marks or anything
sneaking in there. Also be cautious of using the JavaScript ToFixed() function, as it is converting a float into a string.
A message is sent each time a process value has been prepared. The key has a unique name.
data type
unix timestamp of message creation
int64 or float64
Represents a process value, e.g. temperature
Pre 0.10.0:
As <valuename> is either of type ´int64´ or ´float64´, you cannot use booleans. Convert to integers as needed; e.g., true = “1”, false = “0”
A message is sent each time a process value has been prepared. The key has a unique name. This message is used when the datatype of the process value is a string instead of a number.
data type
unix timestamp of message creation
Represents a process value, e.g. temperature
At the shown timestamp the custom process value “customer” had a readout of “miller”.
recommendation are action recommendations, which require concrete and rapid action in order to quickly eliminate efficiency losses on the store floor.
data type
UniqueID of the product
unix timestamp of message creation
the customer ID in the data structure
the location in the data structure
the asset ID in the data structure
Name of the product
Map of values based on which this recommendation is created
Diagnosis of the recommendation in german
Diagnosis of the recommendation in english
Recommendation in german
Recommendation in english
A recommendation for the demonstrator at the shown location has not been running for a while, so a recommendation is sent to either start the machine or specify a reason why it is not running.
"UID": "43298756",
"timestamp_ms": 15888796894,
"customer": "united-manufacturing-hub",
"location": "dccaachen",
"asset": "DCCAachen-Demonstrator",
"recommendationType": "1",
"enabled": true,
"recommendationValues": { "Treshold": 30, "StoppedForTime": 612685 },
"diagnoseTextDE": "Maschine DCCAachen-Demonstrator steht seit 612685 Sekunden still (Status: 8, Schwellwert: 30)" ,
"diagnoseTextEN": "Machine DCCAachen-Demonstrator is not running since 612685 seconds (status: 8, threshold: 30)",
"recommendationTextDE":"Maschine DCCAachen-Demonstrator einschalten oder Stoppgrund auswählen.",
"recommendationTextEN": "Start machine DCCAachen-Demonstrator or specify stop reason.",
Here a message is sent every time products should be marked as scrap. It works as follows: A message with scrap and timestamp_ms is sent. It starts with the count that is directly before timestamp_ms. It is now iterated step by step back in time and step by step the existing counts are set to scrap until a total of scrap products have been scraped.
timestamp_ms is the unix timestamp, you want to go back from
scrap number of item to be considered as scrap.
You can specify maximum of 24h to be scrapped to avoid accidents
(NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) If counts does not equal scrap, e.g. the count is 5 but only 2 more need to be scrapped, it will scrap exactly 2. Currently, it would ignore these 2. see also #125
(NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) If no counts are available for this asset, but uniqueProducts are available, they can also be marked as scrap.
Ten items where scrapped:
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft/2019-09/schema",
"$id": "https://learn.umh.app/content/docs/architecture/datamodel/messages/scrapCount.json",
"type": "object",
"default": {},
"title": "Root Schema",
"required": [
"scrap" ],
"properties": {
"timestamp_ms": {
"type": "integer",
"default": 0,
"minimum": 0,
"title": "The unix timestamp you want to go back from",
"examples": [
1589788888888 ]
"scrap": {
"type": "integer",
"default": 0,
"minimum": 0,
"title": "Number of items to be considered as scrap",
"examples": [
10 ]
"examples": [
"timestamp_ms": 1589788888888,
"scrap": 10 },
"timestamp_ms": 1589788888888,
"scrap": 5 }
A message is sent here each time the asset changes status. Subsequent changes are not possible. Different statuses can also be process steps, such as “setup”, “post-processing”, etc. You can find a list of all supported states here.
data type
value of the state according to the link above
unix timestamp of message creation
The asset has a state of 10000, which means it is actively producing.
A message is sent here each time a product has been produced or modified. A modification can take place, for example, due to a downstream quality control.
There are two cases of when to send a message under the uniqueProduct topic:
The exact product doesn’t already have a UID (-> This is the case, if it has not been produced at an asset incorporated in the digital shadow). Specify a space holder asset = “storage” in the MQTT message for the uniqueProduct topic.
The product was produced at the current asset (it is now different from before, e.g. after machining or after something was screwed in). The newly produced product is always the “child” of the process. Products it was made out of are called the “parents”.
data type
unix timestamp of start time
unix timestamp of completion time
product ID of the currently produced product
optional information whether the current product is of poor quality and will be sorted out. Is considered false if not specified.
alternative ID of the product
The processing of product “Beilinger 30x15” with the AID 216381 started and ended at the designated timestamps. It is of low quality and due to be scrapped.
The database stores the messages in different tables.
We are using the database TimescaleDB, which is based on PostgreSQL and supports standard relational SQL database work,
while also supporting time-series databases.
This allows for usage of regular SQL queries, while also allowing to process and store time-series data.
Postgresql has proven itself reliable over the last 25 years, so we are happy to use it.
If you want to learn more about database paradigms, please refer to the knowledge article about that topic.
It also includes a concise video summarizing what you need to know about different paradigms.
Our database model is designed to represent a physical manufacturing process. It keeps track of the following data:
The state of the machine
The products that are produced
The orders for the products
The workers’ shifts
Arbitrary process values (sensor data)
The producible products
Recommendations for the production
Please note that our database does not use a retention policy. This means that your database can grow quite fast if you save a lot of process values. Take a look at our guide on enabling data compression and retention in TimescaleDB to customize the database to your needs.
A good method to check your db size would be to use the following commands inside postgres shell:
CREATETABLEIFNOTEXISTScountTable(timestampTIMESTAMPTZNOTNULL,asset_idSERIALREFERENCESassetTable(id),countINTEGERCHECK(count>0),UNIQUE(timestamp,asset_id));-- creating hypertable
SELECTcreate_hypertable('countTable','timestamp');-- creating an index to increase performance
This table stores process values, for example toner level of a printer, flow rate of a pump, etc.
This table, has a closely related table for storing number values, processValueTable.
CREATETABLEIFNOTEXISTSprocessValueStringTable(timestampTIMESTAMPTZNOTNULL,asset_idSERIALREFERENCESassetTable(id),valueNameTEXTNOTNULL,valueTESTNULL,UNIQUE(timestamp,asset_id,valueName));-- creating hypertable
SELECTcreate_hypertable('processValueStringTable','timestamp');-- creating an index to increase performance
CREATEINDEXONprocessValueStringTable(asset_id,timestampDESC);-- creating an index to increase performance
2.6 - processValueTable
processValueTable contains process values.
This table stores process values, for example toner level of a printer, flow rate of a pump, etc.
This table, has a closely related table for storing string values, processValueStringTable.
CREATETABLEIFNOTEXISTSprocessValueTable(timestampTIMESTAMPTZNOTNULL,asset_idSERIALREFERENCESassetTable(id),valueNameTEXTNOTNULL,valueDOUBLEPRECISIONNULL,UNIQUE(timestamp,asset_id,valueName));-- creating hypertable
SELECTcreate_hypertable('processValueTable','timestamp');-- creating an index to increase performance
CREATEINDEXONprocessValueTable(asset_id,timestampDESC);-- creating an index to increase performance
CREATETABLEIFNOTEXISTSstateTable(timestampTIMESTAMPTZNOTNULL,asset_idSERIALREFERENCESassetTable(id),stateINTEGERCHECK(state>=0),UNIQUE(timestamp,asset_id));-- creating hypertable
SELECTcreate_hypertable('stateTable','timestamp');-- creating an index to increase performance
2.11 - uniqueProductTable
uniqueProductTable contains unique products and their IDs.
CREATETABLEIFNOTEXISTSuniqueProductTable(uidTEXTNOTNULL,asset_idSERIALREFERENCESassetTable(id),begin_timestamp_msTIMESTAMPTZNOTNULL,end_timestamp_msTIMESTAMPTZNOTNULL,product_idTEXTNOTNULL,is_scrapBOOLEANNOTNULL,quality_classTEXTNOTNULL,station_idTEXTNOTNULL,UNIQUE(uid,asset_id,station_id),CHECK(begin_timestamp_ms<end_timestamp_ms));-- creating an index to increase performance
3 - States
States are the core of the database model. They represent the state of the machine at a given point in time.
States Documentation Index
This documentation outlines the various states used in the United Manufacturing Hub software stack to calculate OEE/KPI and other production metrics.
State Categories
Active (10000-29999): These states represent that the asset is actively producing.
Material (60000-99999): These states represent that the asset has issues regarding materials.
Operator (140000-159999): These states represent that the asset is stopped because of operator related issues.
Planning (160000-179999): These states represent that the asset is stopped as it is planned to stop (planned idle time).
Process (100000-139999): These states represent that the asset is in a stop, which belongs to the process and cannot be avoided.
Unknown (30000-59999): These states represent that the asset is in an unspecified state.
OEE: Overall Equipment Effectiveness
KPI: Key Performance Indicator
This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the states used in the United Manufacturing Hub software stack and their respective categories. For more information on each state category and its individual states, please refer to the corresponding subpages.
3.1 - Active (10000-29999)
These states represent that the asset is actively producing
10000: ProducingAtFullSpeedState
This asset is running at full speed.
Examples for ProducingAtFullSpeedState
WS_Cur_State: Operating
PackML/Tobacco: Execute
20000: ProducingAtLowerThanFullSpeedState
Asset is producing, but not at full speed.
Examples for ProducingAtLowerThanFullSpeedState
WS_Cur_Prog: StartUp
WS_Cur_Prog: RunDown
WS_Cur_State: Stopping
PackML/Tobacco : Stopping
WS_Cur_State: Aborting
PackML/Tobacco: Aborting
WS_Cur_State: Holding
Ws_Cur_State: Unholding
PackML:Tobacco: Unholding
WS_Cur_State Suspending
PackML/Tobacco: Suspending
WS_Cur_State: Unsuspending
PackML/Tobacco: Unsuspending
PackML/Tobacco: Completing
WS_Cur_Prog: Production
Currently not included:
WS_Prog_Step: all
3.2 - Unknown (30000-59999)
These states represent that the asset is in an unspecified state
30000: UnknownState
Data for that particular asset is not available (e.g. connection to the PLC is disrupted)
Examples for UnknownState
WS_Cur_Prog: Undefined
EUROMAP: Offline
40000 UnspecifiedStopState
The asset is not producing, but the reason is unknown at the time.
Examples for UnspecifiedStopState
WS_Cur_State: Clearing
PackML/Tobacco: Clearing
WS_Cur_State: Emergency Stop
WS_Cur_State: Resetting
PackML/Tobacco: Clearing
WS_Cur_State: Held
Tobacco: Other
WS_Cur_State: Stopped
PackML/Tobacco: Stopped
WS_Cur_State: Starting
PackML/Tobacco: Starting
WS_Cur_State: Prepared
WS_Cur_State: Idle
PackML/Tobacco: Idle
PackML/Tobacco: Complete
50000: MicrostopState
The asset is not producing for a short period (typically around five minutes), but the reason is unknown at the time.
3.3 - Material (60000-99999)
These states represent that the asset has issues regarding materials.
60000 InletJamState
This machine does not perform its intended function due to a lack of material flow in the infeed of the machine, detected by the sensor system of the control system (machine stop). In the case of machines that have several inlets, the condition o lack in the inlet refers to the main flow , i.e. to the material (crate, bottle) that is fed in the direction of the filling machine (Central machine). The defect in the infeed is an extraneous defect, but because of its importance for visualization and technical reporting, it is recorded separately.
Examples for InletJamState
WS_Cur_State: Lack
70000: OutletJamState
The machine does not perform its intended function as a result of a jam in the good flow discharge of the machine, detected by the sensor system of the control system (machine stop). In the case of machines that have several discharges, the jam in the discharge condition refers to the main flow, i.e. to the good (crate, bottle) that is fed in the direction of the filling machine (central machine) or is fed away from the filling machine. The jam in the outfeed is an external fault 1v, but it is recorded separately, because of its importance for visualization and technical reporting.
Examples for OutletJamState
WS_Cur_State: Tailback
80000: CongestionBypassState
The machine does not perform its intended function due to a shortage in the bypass supply or a jam in the bypass discharge of the machine, detected by the sensor system of the control system (machine stop). This condition can only occur in machines with two outlets or inlets and in which the bypass is in turn the inlet or outlet of an upstream or downstream machine of the filling line (packaging and palleting machines). The jam/shortage in the auxiliary flow is an external fault, but it is recoded separately due to its importance for visualization and technical reporting.
Examples for the CongestionBypassState
WS_Cur_State: Lack/Tailback Branch Line
90000: MaterialIssueOtherState
The asset has a material issue, but it is not further specified.
Examples for MaterialIssueOtherState
WS_Mat_Ready (Information of which material is lacking)
PackML/Tobacco: Suspended
3.4 - Process(100000-139999)
These states represent that the asset is in a stop, which belongs to the process and cannot be avoided.
100000: ChangeoverState
The asset is in a changeover process between products.
Examples for ChangeoverState
WS_Cur_Prog: Program-Changeover
110000: CleaningState
The asset is currently in a cleaning process.
Examples for CleaningState
WS_Cur_Prog: Program-Cleaning
Tobacco: CLEAN
120000: EmptyingState
The asset is currently emptied, e.g. to prevent mold for food products over the long breaks, e.g. the weekend.
Examples for EmptyingState
Tobacco: EMPTY OUT
130000: SettingUpState
This machine is currently preparing itself for production, e.g. heating up.
Examples for SettingUpState
3.5 - Operator (140000-159999)
These states represent that the asset is stopped because of operator related issues.
140000: OperatorNotAtMachineState
The operator is not at the machine.
150000: OperatorBreakState
The operator is taking a break.
This is different from a planned shift as it could contribute to performance losses.
Examples for OperatorBreakState
WS_Cur_Prog: Program-Break
3.6 - Planning (160000-179999)
These states represent that the asset is stopped as it is planned to stopped (planned idle time).
160000: NoShiftState
There is no shift planned at that asset.
170000: NO OrderState
There is no order planned at that asset.
3.7 - Technical (180000-229999)
These states represent that the asset has a technical issue.
180000: EquipmentFailureState
The asset itself is defect, e.g. a broken engine.
Examples for EquipmentFailureState
WS_Cur_State: Equipment Failure
190000: ExternalFailureState
There is an external failure, e.g. missing compressed air.
Examples for ExternalFailureState
WS_Cur_State: External Failure
200000: ExternalInterferenceState
There is an external interference, e.g. the crane to move the material is currently unavailable.
210000: PreventiveMaintenanceStop
A planned maintenance action.
Examples for PreventiveMaintenanceStop
WS_Cur_Prog: Program-Maintenance
PackML: Maintenance
220000: TechnicalOtherStop
The asset has a technical issue, but it is not specified further.