The content of this article is deprecated, and will be removed in the future
Recommendation messages are sent whenever rapid actions would quickly improve efficiency on the shop floor.
2 minute read
are action recommendations, which require concrete and rapid action in order to quickly eliminate efficiency losses on the store floor.
key | data type | description |
uid | string | UniqueID of the product |
timestamp_ms | int64 | unix timestamp of message creation |
customer | string | the customer ID in the data structure |
location | string | the location in the data structure |
asset | string | the asset ID in the data structure |
recommendationType | int32 | Name of the product |
enabled | bool | - |
recommendationValues | map | Map of values based on which this recommendation is created |
diagnoseTextDE | string | Diagnosis of the recommendation in german |
diagnoseTextEN | string | Diagnosis of the recommendation in english |
recommendationTextDE | string | Recommendation in german |
recommendationTextEN | string | Recommendation in english |
A recommendation for the demonstrator at the shown location has not been running for a while, so a recommendation is sent to either start the machine or specify a reason why it is not running.
"UID": "43298756",
"timestamp_ms": 15888796894,
"customer": "united-manufacturing-hub",
"location": "dccaachen",
"asset": "DCCAachen-Demonstrator",
"recommendationType": "1",
"enabled": true,
"recommendationValues": { "Treshold": 30, "StoppedForTime": 612685 },
"diagnoseTextDE": "Maschine DCCAachen-Demonstrator steht seit 612685 Sekunden still (Status: 8, Schwellwert: 30)" ,
"diagnoseTextEN": "Machine DCCAachen-Demonstrator is not running since 612685 seconds (status: 8, threshold: 30)",
"recommendationTextDE":"Maschine DCCAachen-Demonstrator einschalten oder Stoppgrund auswählen.",
"recommendationTextEN": "Start machine DCCAachen-Demonstrator or specify stop reason.",
- Typically Node-RED
Last modified February 5, 2025: temporarily store the requirements locally (#320) (9685467)