1 - Upgrade to v0.15.0

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub from version 0.14.0 to 0.15.0

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub from version 0.14.0 to 0.15.0. Before upgrading, remember to back up the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Upgrade Helm Chart

Upgrade the Helm chart to the 0.15.0 version:

bash <(curl -s https://management.umh.app/binaries/umh/migrations/0_15_0.sh)


If for some reason the upgrade fails, you can delete the deployment and statefulsets and try again: This will not delete your data.

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete deployment \
united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment \
united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt \
united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment \
united-manufacturing-hub-packmlmqttsimulator \
united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge \
united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresqlv2 \
united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql \
united-manufacturing-hub-grafana \
united-manufacturing-hub-databridge-0 \

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete statefulset \
united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce \
united-manufacturing-hub-kafka \
united-manufacturing-hub-nodered \
united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect \
united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge \
united-manufacturing-hub-timescaledb \

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete jobs \

2 - Upgrade to v0.14.0

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub from version 0.13.6 to 0.14.0

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub from version 0.13.6 to 0.14.0. Before upgrading, remember to back up the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Upgrade Helm Chart

Upgrade the Helm chart to the 0.14.0 version:

bash <(curl -s https://management.umh.app/binaries/umh/migrations/0_14_0.sh)


If for some reason the upgrade fails, you can delete the deployment and statefulsets and try again: This will not delete your data.

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete deployment \
united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment \
united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt \
united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment \
united-manufacturing-hub-packmlmqttsimulator \
united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge \
united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresqlv2 \
united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql \
united-manufacturing-hub-grafana \
united-manufacturing-hub-databridge-0 \

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete statefulset \
united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce \
united-manufacturing-hub-kafka \
united-manufacturing-hub-nodered \
united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect \
united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge \
united-manufacturing-hub-timescaledb \

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete jobs \

3 - Upgrade to v0.13.7

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub from version 0.13.6 to 0.13.7

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub from version 0.13.6 to 0.13.7. Before upgrading, remember to back up the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Upgrade Helm Chart

Upgrade the Helm chart to the 0.13.7 version:

bash <(curl -s https://management.umh.app/binaries/umh/migrations/0_13_7.sh)


If for some reason the upgrade fails, you can delete the deployment and statefulsets and try again: This will not delete your data.

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete deployment \
united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment \
united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt \
united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment \
united-manufacturing-hub-packmlmqttsimulator \
united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge \
united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresqlv2 \
united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql \
united-manufacturing-hub-grafana \
united-manufacturing-hub-databridge-0 \

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete statefulset \
united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce \
united-manufacturing-hub-kafka \
united-manufacturing-hub-nodered \
united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect \
united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge \
united-manufacturing-hub-timescaledb \

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete jobs \

4 - Upgrade to v0.13.6

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.13.6

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.13.6. Before upgrading, remember to back up the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Upgrade Helm Chart

Upgrade the Helm chart to the 0.13.6 version:

bash <(curl -s https://management.umh.app/binaries/umh/migrations/0_13_6.sh)


If for some reason the upgrade fails, you can delete the deployment and statefulsets and try again: This will not delete your data.

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete deployment \
united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment \
united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt \
united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment \
united-manufacturing-hub-packmlmqttsimulator \
united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge \
united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresqlv2 \
united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql \
united-manufacturing-hub-grafana \
united-manufacturing-hub-databridge-0 \

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete statefulset \
united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce \
united-manufacturing-hub-kafka \
united-manufacturing-hub-nodered \
united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect \
united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge \
united-manufacturing-hub-timescaledb \

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete jobs \

5 - Upgrade to v0.10.6

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.10.6

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.10.6. Before upgrading, remember to back up the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

All the following commands are to be run from the UMH instance’s shell.

Update Helm Repo

Fetch the latest Helm charts from the UMH repository:

sudo $(which helm) repo update --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml

Upgrade Helm Chart

Upgrade the Helm chart to the 0.10.6 version:

sudo $(which helm) upgrade united-manufacturing-hub united-manufacturing-hub/united-manufacturing-hub -n united-manufacturing-hub --version 0.10.6 --reuse-values --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \
--set _000_commonConfig.infrastructure.mqtt.tls.factoryinput=null \
--set _000_commonConfig.datainput=null \
--set _000_commonConfig.mqttBridge=null \
--set _000_commonConfig.mqttBridge=null \
--set mqttbridge=null \
--set factoryinput=null \
--set grafanaproxy=null \
--set kafkastatedetector.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/kafkastatedetector \
--set barcodereader.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/barcodereader \
--set sensorconnect.image=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/sensorconnect \
--set iotsensorsmqtt.image=management.umh.app/oci/amineamaach/sensors-mqtt \
--set opcuasimulator.image=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/opcuasimulator \
--set kafkabridge.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/kafka-bridge \
--set kafkabridge.initContainer.repository=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/kafka-init \
--set factoryinsight.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/factoryinsight \
--set kafkatopostgresql.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/kafka-to-postgresql \
--set kafkatopostgresql.initContainer.repository=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/kafka-init \
--set timescaledb-single.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/timescale/timescaledb-ha \
--set timescaledb-single.prometheus.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/prometheuscommunity/postgres-exporter \
--set grafana.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/grafana/grafana \
--set grafana.downloadDashboardsImage.repository=management.umh.app/oci/curlimages/curl \
--set grafana.testFramework.image=management.umh.app/oci/bats/bats \
--set grafana.initChownData.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/library/busybox \
--set grafana.sidecar.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar \
--set grafana.imageRenderer.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/grafana/grafana-image-renderer \
--set packmlmqttsimulator.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/spruiktec/packml-simulator \
--set tulipconnector.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/tulip-connector \
--set mqttkafkabridge.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/mqtt-kafka-bridge \
--set mqttkafkabridge.initContainer.repository=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/kafka-init \
--set kafkatoblob.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/kafka-to-blob \
--set redpanda.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/redpandadata/redpanda \
--set redpanda.statefulset.initContainerImage.repository=management.umh.app/oci/library/busybox \
--set redpanda.console.image.registry=management.umh.app/oci \
--set redis.image.registry=management.umh.app/oci \
--set redis.metrics.image.registry=management.umh.app/oci \
--set redis.sentinel.image.registry=management.umh.app/oci \
--set redis.volumePermissions.image.registry=management.umh.app/oci \
--set redis.sysctl.image.registry=management.umh.app/oci \
--set mqtt_broker.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/hivemq/hivemq-ce \
--set mqtt_broker.initContainer.hivemqextensioninit.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/hivemq-init \
--set metrics.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/metrics \
--set databridge.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/databridge \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.image.repository=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/kafka-to-postgresql-v2

Manual steps (optional)

Due to a limitation of Helm, we cannot automatically set grafana.env.GF_PLUGINS_ALLOW_LOADING_UNSIGNED_PLUGINS=umh-datasource,umh-v2-datasource. You could either ignore this (if your network is not restricuted to a single domain) or set it manually in the Grafana deployment.

We are also not able to manually overwrite grafana.extraInitContainers[0].image=management.umh.app/oci/united-manufacturing-hub/grafana-umh. You could either ignore this (if your network is not restricuted to a single domain) or set it manually in the Grafana deployment.

Host system

Open the /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/containerd/config.toml.tmpl using vi as root and add the following lines:

version = 2

path = "/var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/containerd"
stream_server_address = ""
stream_server_port = "10010"
enable_selinux = false
enable_unprivileged_ports = true
enable_unprivileged_icmp = true
sandbox_image = "management.umh.app/v2/rancher/mirrored-pause:3.6"

snapshotter = "overlayfs"
disable_snapshot_annotations = true

bin_dir = "/var/lib/rancher/k3s/data/ab2055bc72380bad965b219e8688ac02b2e1b665cad6bdde1f8f087637aa81df/bin"
conf_dir = "/var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/cni/net.d"

runtime_type = "io.containerd.runc.v2"

SystemdCgroup = true


# Mirror configuration for Docker Hub with fallback
endpoint = ["https://management.umh.app/oci", "https://registry-1.docker.io"]

# Mirror configuration for GitHub Container Registry with fallback
endpoint = ["https://management.umh.app/oci", "https://ghcr.io"]

# Mirror configuration for Quay with fallback
endpoint = ["https://management.umh.app/oci", "https://quay.io"]

# Catch-all configuration for any other registries
endpoint = ["https://management.umh.app/oci"]

Open /etc/flatcar/update.conf using vi as root and add the following lines:


Restart k3s or reboot the host system:

sudo systemctl restart k3s


If for some reason the upgrade fails, you can delete the deployment and statefulsets and try again: This will not delete your data.

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete deployment \
united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment \
united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt \
united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment \
united-manufacturing-hub-packmlmqttsimulator \
united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge \
united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresqlv2 \
united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql \
united-manufacturing-hub-grafana \
united-manufacturing-hub-databridge-0 \

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete statefulset \
united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce \
united-manufacturing-hub-kafka \
united-manufacturing-hub-nodered \
united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect \
united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge \
united-manufacturing-hub-timescaledb \

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete jobs \

6 - Management Console Upgrades

This page describes how to perform the upgrades that are available for the Management Console.

Easily upgrade your UMH instance with the Management Console. This page offers clear, step-by-step instructions for a smooth upgrade process.

Before you begin

Before proceeding with the upgrade of the Companion, ensure that you have the following:

  • A functioning UMH instance, verified as “online” and in good health.
  • A reliable internet connection.
  • Familiarity with the changelog of the new version you are upgrading to, especially to identify any breaking changes or required manual interventions.

Management Companion

Upgrade your UMH instance seamlessly using the Management Console. Follow these steps:

Identify Outdated Instance

From the Overview tab, check for an upgrade icon next to your instance’s name, signaling an outdated Companion version. Additionally, locate the Upgrade Companion button at the bottom of the tab.

Outdated Instance Overview
Outdated Instance Overview

Start the Upgrade

When you’re prepared to upgrade your UMH instance, start by pressing the Upgrade Companion button. This will open a modal, initially displaying a changelog with a quick overview of the latest changes. You can expand the changelog for a detailed view from your current version up to the latest one. Additionally, it may highlight any warnings requiring manual intervention.

Navigate through the changelog, and when comfortable, proceed by clicking the Next button. This step grants you access to crucial information about recommended actions and precautions during the upgrade process.

With the necessary insights, take the next step by clicking the Upgrade button. The system will guide you through the upgrade process, displaying real-time progress updates, including a progress bar and logs.

Upon successful completion, a confirmation message will appear. Simply click the Let’s Go button to return to the dashboard, where you can seamlessly continue using your UMH instance with the latest enhancements.

Upgrade Success
Upgrade Success

United Manufacturing Hub

As of now, the upgrade of the UMH is not yet included in the Management Console, meaning that it has to be performed manually. However, it is planned to be included in the future. Until then, you can follow the instructions in the What’s New page.


I encountered an issue during the upgrade process. What should I do?

If you encounter issues during the upgrade process, consider the following steps:

  1. Retry the Process: Sometimes, a transient issue may cause a hiccup. Retry the upgrade process to ensure it’s not a temporary glitch.

  2. Check Logs: Review the logs displayed during the upgrade process for any error messages or indications of what might be causing the problem. This information can offer insights into potential issues.

If the problem persists after retrying and checking the logs, and you’ve confirmed that all prerequisites are met, please reach out to our support team for assistance.

I installed the Management Companion before the 0.1.0 release. How do I upgrade it?

If you installed the Management Companion before the 0.1.0 release, you will need to reinstall it. This is because we made some changes that are not compatible with the previous version.

Before reinstalling the Management Companion, you have to backup your configuration, so that you can restore your connections after the upgrade. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Access your UMH instance via SSH.

  2. Run the following command to backup your configuration:

    sudo $(which kubectl) get configmap/mgmtcompanion-config --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml -n mgmtcompanion -o=jsonpath='{.data}' | sed -e 's/^/{"data":/' | sed -e 's/$/}/'> mgmtcompanion-config.bak.json

    This will create a file called mgmtcompanion-config.bak.json in your current directory.

  3. For good measure, copy the file to your local machine:

    scp <user>@<ip>:/home/<user>/mgmtcompanion-config.bak.json .

    Replace <user> with your username, and <ip> with the IP address of your UMH instance. You will be prompted for your password.

  4. Now you can reinstall the Management Companion. Follow the instructions in the Installation guide. Your data will be preserved, and you will be able to restore your connections.

  5. After the installation is complete, you can restore your connections by running the following command:

    sudo $(which kubectl) patch configmap/mgmtcompanion-config --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml -n mgmtcompanion --patch-file mgmtcompanion-config.bak.json

7 - Migrate to Data Model V1

This page describes how to migrate your existing instances from the old Data Model to the new Data Model V1.

In this guide, you will learn how to migrate your existing instances from the old Data Model to the new Data Model V1.

The old Data Model will continue to work, and all the data will be still available.

Before you begin

You need to have a UMH cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by following the Getting Started guide.

You also need to access the system where the cluster is running, either by logging into it or by using a remote shell.

Upgrade Your Companion to the Latest Version

If you haven’t already, upgrade your Companion to the latest version. You can easily do this from the Management Console by selecting your Instance and clicking on the “Upgrade” button.

Upgrade the Helm Chart

The new Data Model was introduced in the 0.10 release of the Helm Chart. To upgrade to the latest 0.10 release, you first need to update the Helm Chart to the latest 0.9 release and then upgrade to the latest 0.10 release.

There is no automatic way (yet!) to upgrade the Helm Chart, so you need to follow the manual steps below.

First, after accessing your instance, find the Helm Chart version you are currently using by running the following command:

sudo $(which helm) get metadata united-manufacturing-hub -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml | grep -e ^VERSION

Then, head to the upgrading archive and follow the instructions to upgrade from your current version to the latest version, one version at a time.

8 - Archive

This section is meant to archive the upgrading guides for the different versions of the United Manufacturing Hub.

The United Manufacturing Hub is a continuously evolving product. This means that new features and bug fixes are added to the product on a regular basis. This section contains the upgrading guides for the different versions the United Manufacturing Hub.

The upgrading process is done by upgrading the Helm chart.

8.1 - Upgrade to v0.9.34

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.34

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.34. Before upgrading, remember to backup the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

All the following commands are to be run from the UMH instance’s shell.

Update Helm Repo

Fetch the latest Helm charts from the UMH repository:

sudo $(which helm) repo update --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml

Clear Workloads

Some workloads need to be deleted before upgrading. This process does not delete any data, but it will cause downtime.

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete deployment united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml delete statefulset united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce united-manufacturing-hub-kafka united-manufacturing-hub-nodered united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge

Upgrade Helm Chart

Upgrade the Helm chart to the 0.9.34 version:

sudo helm upgrade united-manufacturing-hub united-manufacturing-hub/united-manufacturing-hub -n united-manufacturing-hub --version 0.9.34 --reuse-values --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.enabled=false \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.image.repository=ghcr.io/united-manufacturing-hub/kafka-to-postgresql-v2 \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.image.pullPolicy=IfNotPresent \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.replicas=1 \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.resources.limits.cpu=1000m \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.resources.limits.memory=300Mi \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.resources.requests.cpu=100m \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.resources.requests.memory=150Mi \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.probes.startup.failureThreshold=30 \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.probes.startup.initialDelaySeconds=10 \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.probes.startup.periodSeconds=10 \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.probes.liveness.periodSeconds=5 \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.probes.readiness.periodSeconds=5 \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.logging.level=PRODUCTION \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.asset.cache.lru.size=1000 \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.workers.channel.size=10000 \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.workers.goroutines.multiplier=16 \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.database.user=kafkatopostgresqlv2 \
--set kafkatopostgresqlv2.database.password=changemetoo \
--set _000_commonConfig.datamodel_v2.enabled=true \
--set _000_commonConfig.datamodel_v2.bridges[0].mode=mqtt-kafka \
--set _000_commonConfig.datamodel_v2.bridges[0].brokerA=united-manufacturing-hub-mqtt:1883 \
--set _000_commonConfig.datamodel_v2.bridges[0].brokerB=united-manufacturing-hub-kafka:9092 \
--set _000_commonConfig.datamodel_v2.bridges[0].topic=umh.v1..* \
--set _000_commonConfig.datamodel_v2.bridges[0].topicMergePoint=5 \
--set _000_commonConfig.datamodel_v2.bridges[0].partitions=6 \
--set _000_commonConfig.datamodel_v2.bridges[0].replicationFactor=1 \
--set _000_commonConfig.datamodel_v2.database.name=umh_v2 \
--set _000_commonConfig.datamodel_v2.database.host=united-manufacturing-hub \
--set _000_commonConfig.datamodel_v2.grafana.dbreader=grafanareader \
--set _000_commonConfig.datamodel_v2.grafana.dbpassword=changeme

Update Database

There has been some changes to the database, which need to be applied. This process does not delete any data.

sudo $(which kubectl) -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml exec -it united-manufacturing-hub-timescaledb-0 -c timescaledb -- sh -c ". /etc/timescaledb/post_init.d/0_create_dbs.sh; . /etc/timescaledb/post_init.d/1_set_passwords.sh"

Restart kafka-to-postgresql-v2

sudo $(which kubectl) rollout restart deployment united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresqlv2  -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml

8.2 - Upgrade to v0.9.15

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.15

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.15. Before upgrading, remember to backup the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Add Helm repo in UMHLens / OpenLens

Check if the UMH Helm repository is added in UMHLens / OpenLens. To do so, from the top-left menu, select FIle > Preferences (or press CTRL + ,). Click on the Kubernetes tab and check if the Helm Chart section contains the https://repo.umh.app repository.

If it doesn’t, click the Add Custom Helm Repo button and fill in the following values:

Then click Add.

Clear Workloads

Some workloads need to be deleted before upgrading. This process does not delete any data, but it will cause downtime. If a workload is missing, it means that it was not enabled in your cluster, therefore you can skip it.

To delete a resource, you can select it using the box on the left of the resource name and click the - button on the bottom right corner.

  1. Open the Workloads tab.
  2. From the Deployment section, delete the following deployments:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt
    • united-manufacturing-hub-grafanaproxy
  3. From the StatefulSet section, delete the following statefulsets:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafka
    • united-manufacturing-hub-nodered
    • united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge
  4. Open the Network tab.
  5. From the Services section, delete the following services:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafka

Upgrade Helm Chart

Now everything is ready to upgrade the Helm chart.

  1. Navigate to the Helm > Releases tab.

  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub release and click Upgrade.

  3. In the Helm Upgrade window, make sure that the Upgrade version field contains the version you want to upgrade to.

  4. You can also change the values of the Helm chart, if needed. If you want to activate the new databridge you need to add & edit the following section

       enabled: true
       - mode: mqtt-kafka
         brokerA: united-manufacturing-hub-mqtt:1883 # The flow is always from A->B, for omni-directional flow, setup a 2nd bridge with reversed broker setup
         brokerB: united-manufacturing-hub-kafka:9092
         topic: umh.v1..*              # accept mqtt or kafka topic format. after the topic seprator, you can use # for mqtt wildcard, or .* for kafka wildcard
         topicMergePoint: 5            # This is a new feature of our datamodel_old, which splits topics in topic and key (only in Kafka), preventing having lots of topics
         partitions: 6                 # optional: number of partitions for the new kafka topic. default: 6
         replicationFactor: 1          # optional: replication factor for the new kafka topic. default: 1

    You can also enable the new container registry by changing the values in the image or image.repository fields from unitedmanufacturinghub/<image-name> to ghcr.io/united-manufacturing-hub/<image-name>.

  5. Click Upgrade.

The upgrade process can take a few minutes. The upgrade is complete when the Status field of the release is Deployed.

8.3 - Upgrade to v0.9.14

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.14

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.14. Before upgrading, remember to backup the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Add Helm repo in UMHLens / OpenLens

Check if the UMH Helm repository is added in UMHLens / OpenLens. To do so, from the top-left menu, select FIle > Preferences (or press CTRL + ,). Click on the Kubernetes tab and check if the Helm Chart section contains the https://repo.umh.app repository.

If it doesn’t, click the Add Custom Helm Repo button and fill in the following values:

Then click Add.

Clear Workloads

Some workloads need to be deleted before upgrading. This process does not delete any data, but it will cause downtime. If a workload is missing, it means that it was not enabled in your cluster, therefore you can skip it.

To delete a resource, you can select it using the box on the left of the resource name and click the - button on the bottom right corner.

  1. Open the Workloads tab.
  2. From the Deployment section, delete the following deployments:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt
    • united-manufacturing-hub-grafanaproxy
  3. From the StatefulSet section, delete the following statefulsets:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafka
    • united-manufacturing-hub-nodered
    • united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge
  4. Open the Network tab.
  5. From the Services section, delete the following services:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafka

Upgrade Helm Chart

Now everything is ready to upgrade the Helm chart.

  1. Navigate to the Helm > Releases tab.

  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub release and click Upgrade.

  3. In the Helm Upgrade window, make sure that the Upgrade version field contains the version you want to upgrade to.

  4. You can also change the values of the Helm chart, if needed. For example, if you want to apply the new tweaks to the resources in order to avoid the Out Of Memory crash of the MQTT Broker, you can change the following values:

          cpu: 10m
          memory: 20Mi
          cpu: 30m
          memory: 50Mi
         cpu: 100m
         cpu: 300m
          memory: 150Mi
          memory: 300Mi
          cpu: 10m
          memory: 20Mi
          cpu: 30m
          memory: 50Mi
          cpu: 10m
          memory: 20Mi
          cpu: 30m
          memory: 50Mi
          cpu: 30m
          memory: 50Mi
          cpu: 10m
          memory: 20Mi
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 100Mi
            cpu: 50m
            memory: 50Mi
          cpu: 700m
          memory: 1700Mi
          cpu: 300m
          memory: 1000Mi

    You can also enable the new container registry by changing the values in the image or image.repository fields from unitedmanufacturinghub/<image-name> to ghcr.io/united-manufacturing-hub/<image-name>.

  5. Click Upgrade.

The upgrade process can take a few minutes. The upgrade is complete when the Status field of the release is Deployed.

8.4 - Upgrade to v0.9.13

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.13

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.13. Before upgrading, remember to backup the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Add Helm repo in UMHLens / OpenLens

Check if the UMH Helm repository is added in UMHLens / OpenLens. To do so, from the top-left menu, select FIle > Preferences (or press CTRL + ,). Click on the Kubernetes tab and check if the Helm Chart section contains the https://repo.umh.app repository.

If it doesn’t, click the Add Custom Helm Repo button and fill in the following values:

Then click Add.

Clear Workloads

Some workloads need to be deleted before upgrading. This process does not delete any data, but it will cause downtime. If a workload is missing, it means that it was not enabled in your cluster, therefore you can skip it.

To delete a resource, you can select it using the box on the left of the resource name and click the - button on the bottom right corner.

  1. Open the Workloads tab.
  2. From the Deployment section, delete the following deployments:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-barcodereader
    • united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt
    • united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
  3. From the StatefulSet section, delete the following statefulsets:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce
    • united-manufacturing-hub-nodered
    • united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect

Upgrade Helm Chart

Now everything is ready to upgrade the Helm chart.

  1. Navigate to the Helm > Releases tab.
  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub release and click Upgrade.
  3. In the Helm Upgrade window, make sure that the Upgrade version field contains the version you want to upgrade to.
  4. You can also change the values of the Helm chart, if needed.
  5. Click Upgrade.

The upgrade process can take a few minutes. The upgrade is complete when the Status field of the release is Deployed.

8.5 - Upgrade to v0.9.12

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.12

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.12. Before upgrading, remember to backup the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Add Helm repo in UMHLens / OpenLens

Check if the UMH Helm repository is added in UMHLens / OpenLens. To do so, from the top-left menu, select FIle > Preferences (or press CTRL + ,). Click on the Kubernetes tab and check if the Helm Chart section contains the https://repo.umh.app repository.

If it doesn’t, click the Add Custom Helm Repo button and fill in the following values:

Then click Add.

Backup RBAC configuration for MQTT Broker

This step is only needed if you enabled RBAC for the MQTT Broker and changed the default password. If you did not change the default password, you can skip this step.

  1. Navigate to Config > ConfigMaps.
  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce-extension ConfigMap.
  3. Copy the content of credentials.xml and save it in a safe place.

Clear Workloads

Some workloads need to be deleted before upgrading. This process does not delete any data, but it will cause downtime. If a workload is missing, it means that it was not enabled in your cluster, therefore you can skip it.

To delete a resource, you can select it using the box on the left of the resource name and click the - button on the bottom right corner.

  1. Open the Workloads tab.
  2. From the Deployment section, delete the following deployments:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-barcodereader
    • united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt
    • united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
  3. From the StatefulSet section, delete the following statefulsets:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce
    • united-manufacturing-hub-nodered
    • united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect

Remove MQTT Broker extension PVC

In this version we reduced the size of the MQTT Broker extension PVC. To do so, we need to delete the old PVC and create a new one. This process will set the credentials of the MQTT Broker to the default ones. If you changed the default password, you can restore them after the upgrade.

  1. Navigate to Storage > Persistent Volume Claims.
  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce-claim-extensions PVC and click Delete.

Upgrade Helm Chart

Now everything is ready to upgrade the Helm chart.

  1. Navigate to the Helm > Releases tab.

  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub release and click Upgrade.

  3. In the Helm Upgrade window, make sure that the Upgrade version field contains the version you want to upgrade to.

  4. There are some incompatible changes in this version. To avoid errors, you need to change the following values:

    • Remove property console.console.config.kafka.tls.passphrase:

                passphrase: "" # <- remove this line
    • console.extraContainers: remove the property and its content.

        extraContainers: {} # <- remove this line
    • console.extraEnv: remove the property and its content.

        extraEnv: "" # <- remove this line
    • console.extraEnvFrom: remove the property and its content.

        extraEnvFrom: ""  # <- remove this line
    • console.extraVolumeMounts: remove the |- characters right after the property name. It should look like this:

        extraVolumeMounts: # <- remove the `|-` characters in this line
          - name: united-manufacturing-hub-kowl-certificates
            mountPath: /SSL_certs/kafka
            readOnly: true
    • console.extraVolumes: remove the |- characters right after the property name. It should look like this:

        extraVolumes: # <- remove the `|-` characters in this line
          - name: united-manufacturing-hub-kowl-certificates
              secretName: united-manufacturing-hub-kowl-secrets
    • Change the console.service property to the following:

          type: LoadBalancer
          port: 8090
          targetPort: 8080
    • Change the Redis URI in factoryinsight.redis:

          URI: united-manufacturing-hub-redis-headless:6379
    • Set the following values in the kafka section to true, or add them if they are missing:

            enabled: true
          enabled: true
          create: true
    • Change redis.architecture to standalone:

        architecture: standalone
    • redis.sentinel: remove the property and its content.

        sentinel: {} # <- remove all the content of this section
    • Remove the property redis.master.command:

        command: /run.sh # <- remove this line
    • timescaledb-single.fullWalPrevention: remove the property and its content.

        fullWalPrevention:              # <- remove this line
          checkFrequency: 30            # <- remove this line
          enabled: false                # <- remove this line
          thresholds:                   # <- remove this line
            readOnlyFreeMB: 64          # <- remove this line
            readOnlyFreePercent: 5      # <- remove this line
            readWriteFreeMB: 128        # <- remove this line
            readWriteFreePercent: 8     # <- remove this line
    • timescaledb-single.loadBalancer: remove the property and its content.

        loadBalancer:          # <- remove this line
          annotations:         # <- remove this line
            service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-connection-idle-timeout: "4000" # <- remove this line
          enabled: true        # <- remove this line
          port: 5432           # <- remove this line
    • timescaledb-single.replicaLoadBalancer: remove the property and its content.

          annotations:         # <- remove this line
            service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-connection-idle-timeout: "4000" # <- remove this line
          enabled: false       # <- remove this line
          port: 5432           # <- remove this line
    • timescaledb-single.secretNames: remove the property and its content.

        secretNames: {} # <- remove this line 
    • timescaledb-single.unsafe: remove the property and its content.

        unsafe: false # <- remove this line
    • Change the value of the timescaledb-single.service.primary.type property to LoadBalancer:

            type: LoadBalancer
  5. Click Upgrade.

The upgrade process can take a few minutes. The upgrade is complete when the Status field of the release is Deployed.

8.6 - Upgrade to v0.9.11

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.11

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.11. Before upgrading, remember to backup the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Add Helm repo in UMHLens / OpenLens

Check if the UMH Helm repository is added in UMHLens / OpenLens. To do so, from the top-left menu, select FIle > Preferences (or press CTRL + ,). Click on the Kubernetes tab and check if the Helm Chart section contains the https://repo.umh.app repository.

If it doesn’t, click the Add Custom Helm Repo button and fill in the following values:

Then click Add.

Clear Workloads

Some workloads need to be deleted before upgrading. This process does not delete any data, but it will cause downtime. If a workload is missing, it means that it was not enabled in your cluster, therefore you can skip it.

To delete a resource, you can select it using the box on the left of the resource name and click the - button on the bottom right corner.

  1. Open the Workloads tab.
  2. From the Deployment section, delete the following deployments:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-barcodereader
    • united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt
    • united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
  3. From the StatefulSet section, delete the following statefulsets:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce
    • united-manufacturing-hub-nodered
    • united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect

Upgrade Helm Chart

Now everything is ready to upgrade the Helm chart.

  1. Navigate to the Helm > Releases tab.
  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub release and click Upgrade.
  3. In the Helm Upgrade window, make sure that the Upgrade version field contains the version you want to upgrade to.
  4. You can also change the values of the Helm chart, if needed.
  5. Click Upgrade.

The upgrade process can take a few minutes. The upgrade is complete when the Status field of the release is Deployed.

8.7 - Upgrade to v0.9.10

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.10

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.10. Before upgrading, remember to backup the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Add Helm repo in UMHLens / OpenLens

Check if the UMH Helm repository is added in UMHLens / OpenLens. To do so, from the top-left menu, select FIle > Preferences (or press CTRL + ,). Click on the Kubernetes tab and check if the Helm Chart section contains the https://repo.umh.app repository.

If it doesn’t, click the Add Custom Helm Repo button and fill in the following values:

Then click Add.

Grafana plugins

In this release, the Grafana version has been updated from 8.5.9 to 9.3.1. Check the release notes for further information about the changes.

Additionally, the way default plugins are installed has changed. Unfortunatly, it is necesary to manually install all the plugins that were previously installed.

If you didn’t install any plugin other than the default ones, you can skip this section.

Follow these steps to see the list of plugins installed in your cluster:

  1. Open the browser and go to the Grafana dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the Configuration > Plugins tab.

  3. Select the Installed filter.

    Show installed grafana plugins
    Show installed grafana plugins

  4. Write down all the plugins that you manually installed. You can recognize them by not having the Core tag.

    Image of core and signed plugins
    Image of core and signed plugins

    The following ones are installed by default, therefore you can skip them:

    • ACE.SVG by Andrew Rodgers
    • Button Panel by UMH Systems Gmbh
    • Button Panel by CloudSpout LLC
    • Discrete by Natel Energy
    • Dynamic Text by Marcus Olsson
    • FlowCharting by agent
    • Pareto Chart by isaozler
    • Pie Chart (old) by Grafana Labs
    • Timepicker Buttons Panel by williamvenner
    • UMH Datasource by UMH Systems Gmbh
    • Untimely by factry
    • Worldmap Panel by Grafana Labs

Clear Workloads

Some workloads need to be deleted before upgrading. This process does not delete any data, but it will cause downtime. If a workload is missing, it means that it was not enabled in your cluster, therefore you can skip it.

To delete a resource, you can select it using the box on the left of the resource name and click the - button on the bottom right corner.

  1. Open the Workloads tab.
  2. From the Deployment section, delete the following deployments:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-barcodereader
    • united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-grafana
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt
    • united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
  3. From the StatefulSet section, delete the following statefulsets:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce
    • united-manufacturing-hub-nodered
    • united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect

Upgrade Helm Chart

Now everything is ready to upgrade the Helm chart.

  1. Navigate to the Helm > Releases tab.

  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub release and click Upgrade.

  3. In the Helm Upgrade window, make sure that the Upgrade version field contains the version you want to upgrade to.

  4. You can also change the values of the Helm chart, if needed.

    • In the grafana section, find the extraInitContainers field and change its value to the following:

          - image: unitedmanufacturinghub/grafana-umh:1.1.2
            name: init-plugins
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            command: ['sh', '-c', 'cp -r /plugins /var/lib/grafana/']
              - name: storage
                mountPath: /var/lib/grafana
    • Make these changes in the kafka section:

      • Set the value of the heapOpts field to -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m.

      • Replace the content of the resources section with the following:

              cpu: 1000m
              memory: 4Gi
              cpu: 100m
              memory: 2560Mi
  5. Click Upgrade.

The upgrade process can take a few minutes. The upgrade is complete when the Status field of the release is Deployed.

Afterwards, you can reinstall the additional Grafana plugins.

Replace VerneMQ with HiveMQ

In this upgrade we switched from using VerneMQ to HiveMQ as our MQTT Broker (you can read the blog article about it).

While this process is fully backwards compatible, we suggest to update NodeRed flows and any other additional service that uses MQTT, to use the new service broker called united-manufacturing-hub-mqtt. The old united-manufacturing-hub-vernemq is still functional and, despite the name, also points to HiveMQ, but in future upgrades will be removed.

Additionally, for production environments, we recommend to enable RBAC for the MQTT Broker.

Please double-check if all of your services can connect to the new MQTT broker. It might be needed for them to be restarted, so that they can resolve the DNS name and get the new IP. Also, it can happen with tools like chirpstack, that you need to specify the client-id as the automatically generated ID worked with VerneMQ, but is now declined by HiveMQ.


Some microservices can’t connect to the new MQTT broker

If you are using the united-manufacturing-hub-mqtt service, but some microservice can’t connect to it, restarting the microservice might solve the issue. To do so, you can delete the Pod of the microservice and let Kubernetes recreate it.

ChirpStack can’t connect to the new MQTT broker

ChirpStack uses a generated client-id to connect to the MQTT broker. This client-id is not accepted by HiveMQ. To solve this issue, you can set the client_id field in the integration.mqtt section of the chirpstack configuration file to a fixed value:


8.8 - Upgrade to v0.9.9

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.9

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.9. Before upgrading, remember to backup the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Add Helm repo in UMHLens / OpenLens

Check if the UMH Helm repository is added in UMHLens / OpenLens. To do so, from the top-left menu, select FIle > Preferences (or press CTRL + ,). Click on the Kubernetes tab and check if the Helm Chart section contains the https://repo.umh.app repository.

If it doesn’t, click the Add Custom Helm Repo button and fill in the following values:

Then click Add.

Clear Workloads

Some workloads need to be deleted before upgrading. This process does not delete any data, but it will cause downtime. If a workload is missing, it means that it was not enabled in your cluster, therefore you can skip it.

To delete a resource, you can select it using the box on the left of the resource name and click the - button on the bottom right corner.

  1. Open the Workloads tab.
  2. From the Deployment section, delete the following deployments:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-barcodereader
    • united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt
    • united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
  3. From the StatefulSet section, delete the following statefulsets:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce
    • united-manufacturing-hub-nodered
    • united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect

Upgrade Helm Chart

Now everything is ready to upgrade the Helm chart.

  1. Navigate to the Helm > Releases tab.
  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub release and click Upgrade.
  3. In the Helm Upgrade window, make sure that the Upgrade version field contains the version you want to upgrade to.
  4. You can also change the values of the Helm chart, if needed. In the grafana section, find the extraInitContainers field and change the value of the image field to unitedmanufacturinghub/grafana-plugin-extractor:0.1.4.
  5. Click Upgrade.

The upgrade process can take a few minutes. The upgrade is complete when the Status field of the release is Deployed.

8.9 - Upgrade to v0.9.8

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.8

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.8. Before upgrading, remember to backup the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Add Helm repo in UMHLens / OpenLens

Check if the UMH Helm repository is added in UMHLens / OpenLens. To do so, from the top-left menu, select FIle > Preferences (or press CTRL + ,). Click on the Kubernetes tab and check if the Helm Chart section contains the https://repo.umh.app repository.

If it doesn’t, click the Add Custom Helm Repo button and fill in the following values:

Then click Add.

Clear Workloads

Some workloads need to be deleted before upgrading. This process does not delete any data, but it will cause downtime. If a workload is missing, it means that it was not enabled in your cluster, therefore you can skip it.

To delete a resource, you can select it using the box on the left of the resource name and click the - button on the bottom right corner.

  1. Open the Workloads tab.
  2. From the Deployment section, delete the following deployments:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-barcodereader
    • united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt
    • united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
  3. From the StatefulSet section, delete the following statefulsets:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce
    • united-manufacturing-hub-nodered
    • united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect

Upgrade Helm Chart

Now everything is ready to upgrade the Helm chart.

  1. Navigate to the Helm > Releases tab.
  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub release and click Upgrade.
  3. In the Helm Upgrade window, make sure that the Upgrade version field contains the version you want to upgrade to.
  4. You can also change the values of the Helm chart, if needed.
  5. Click Upgrade.

The upgrade process can take a few minutes. The upgrade is complete when the Status field of the release is Deployed.

8.10 - Upgrade to v0.9.7

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.7

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.7. Before upgrading, remember to backup the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Add Helm repo in UMHLens / OpenLens

Check if the UMH Helm repository is added in UMHLens / OpenLens. To do so, from the top-left menu, select FIle > Preferences (or press CTRL + ,). Click on the Kubernetes tab and check if the Helm Chart section contains the https://repo.umh.app repository.

If it doesn’t, click the Add Custom Helm Repo button and fill in the following values:

Then click Add.

Clear Workloads

Some workloads need to be deleted before upgrading. This process does not delete any data, but it will cause downtime. If a workload is missing, it means that it was not enabled in your cluster, therefore you can skip it.

To delete a resource, you can select it using the box on the left of the resource name and click the - button on the bottom right corner.

  1. Open the Workloads tab.
  2. From the Deployment section, delete the following deployments:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-barcodereader
    • united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt
    • united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
  3. From the StatefulSet section, delete the following statefulsets:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce
    • united-manufacturing-hub-nodered
    • united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect

Upgrade Helm Chart

Now everything is ready to upgrade the Helm chart.

  1. Navigate to the Helm > Releases tab.
  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub release and click Upgrade.
  3. In the Helm Upgrade window, make sure that the Upgrade version field contains the version you want to upgrade to.
  4. You can also change the values of the Helm chart, if needed.
    • Make these changes in the grafana section:

      • Replace the content of datasources with the following:

              apiVersion: 1
              - access: proxy
                editable: false
                isDefault: true
                  apiKey: $FACTORYINSIGHT_PASSWORD
                  apiKeyConfigured: true
                  customerId: $FACTORYINSIGHT_CUSTOMERID
                  serverURL: http://united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-service/
                name: umh-datasource
                orgId: 1
                type: umh-datasource
                url: http://united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-service/
                version: 1
              - access: proxy
                editable: false
                isDefault: false
                  apiKey: $FACTORYINSIGHT_PASSWORD
                  apiKeyConfigured: true
                  baseURL: http://united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-service/
                  customerID: $FACTORYINSIGHT_CUSTOMERID
                name: umh-v2-datasource
                orgId: 1
                type: umh-v2-datasource
                url: http://united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-service/
                version: 1
      • Replace the content of env with the following:

            GF_PLUGINS_ALLOW_LOADING_UNSIGNED_PLUGINS: umh-datasource,umh-factoryinput-panel,umh-v2-datasource
      • Replace the content of extraInitContainers with the following:

          - name: init-umh-datasource
            image: unitedmanufacturinghub/grafana-plugin-extractor:0.1.3
            - name: storage
              mountPath: /var/lib/grafana
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    • In the timescaledb-single section, make sure that the image.tag field is set to pg13.8-ts2.8.0-p1.

  5. Click Upgrade.

The upgrade process can take a few minutes. The upgrade is complete when the Status field of the release is Deployed.

Change Factoryinsight API version

The Factoryinsight API version has changed from v1 to v2. To make sure that you are using the new version, click on any Factoryinsight Pod and check that the VERSION environment variable is set to 2.

If it’s not, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Workloads > Deployments tab.
  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment deployment.
  3. Click the Edit button to open the deployment’s configuration.

    Lens deployment Edit
    Lens deployment Edit

  4. Find the spec.template.spec.containers[0].env field.
  5. Set the value field of the VERSION variable to 2.

8.11 - Upgrade to v0.9.6

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.6

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.6. Before upgrading, remember to backup the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Add Helm repo in UMHLens / OpenLens

Check if the UMH Helm repository is added in UMHLens / OpenLens. To do so, from the top-left menu, select FIle > Preferences (or press CTRL + ,). Click on the Kubernetes tab and check if the Helm Chart section contains the https://repo.umh.app repository.

If it doesn’t, click the Add Custom Helm Repo button and fill in the following values:

Then click Add.

Add new index to the database

In this version, a new index has been added to the processValueTabe table, allowing to speed up the queries.

Open a shell in the database

sudo $(which kubectl) exec -it $(sudo $(which kubectl) get pods --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml -n united-manufacturing-hub -l app.kubernetes.io/component=timescaledb -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}") --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml -n united-manufacturing-hub -- psql -U postgres

This command will open a psql shell connected to the default postgres database.

Create the index

Execute the following query:

CREATE INDEX ON processvaluetable(valuename, asset_id) WITH (timescaledb.transaction_per_chunk);
REINDEX TABLE processvaluetable;

This command could take a while to complete, especially on larger tables.

Type exit to close the shell.

Clear Workloads

Some workloads need to be deleted before upgrading. This process does not delete any data, but it will cause downtime. If a workload is missing, it means that it was not enabled in your cluster, therefore you can skip it.

To delete a resource, you can select it using the box on the left of the resource name and click the - button on the bottom right corner.

  1. Open the Workloads tab.
  2. From the Deployment section, delete the following deployments:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-barcodereader
    • united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt
    • united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
  3. From the StatefulSet section, delete the following statefulsets:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce
    • united-manufacturing-hub-nodered
    • united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect

Upgrade Helm Chart

Now everything is ready to upgrade the Helm chart.

  1. Navigate to the Helm > Releases tab.
  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub release and click Upgrade.
  3. In the Helm Upgrade window, make sure that the Upgrade version field contains the version you want to upgrade to.
  4. You can also change the values of the Helm chart, if needed.
  5. Click Upgrade.

The upgrade process can take a few minutes. The upgrade is complete when the Status field of the release is Deployed.

8.12 - Upgrade to v0.9.5

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.5

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.5. Before upgrading, remember to backup the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Add Helm repo in UMHLens / OpenLens

Check if the UMH Helm repository is added in UMHLens / OpenLens. To do so, from the top-left menu, select FIle > Preferences (or press CTRL + ,). Click on the Kubernetes tab and check if the Helm Chart section contains the https://repo.umh.app repository.

If it doesn’t, click the Add Custom Helm Repo button and fill in the following values:

Then click Add.

Alter ordertable constraint

In this version, one of the constraints of the ordertable table has been modified.

Make sure to backup the database before exectuing the following steps.

Open a shell in the database

sudo $(which kubectl) exec -it $(sudo $(which kubectl) get pods --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml -n united-manufacturing-hub -l app.kubernetes.io/component=timescaledb -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}") --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml -n united-manufacturing-hub -- psql -U postgres

This command will open a psql shell connected to the default postgres database.

Alter the table

  1. Check for possible conflicts in the ordertable table:

    SELECT order_name, asset_id, count(*) FROM ordertable GROUP BY order_name, asset_id HAVING count(*) > 1;

    If the result is empty, you can skip the next step.

  2. Delete the duplicates:

    DELETE FROM ordertable ox USING (
         SELECT MIN(CTID) as ctid, order_name, asset_id
         FROM ordertable
         GROUP BY order_name, asset_id HAVING count(*) > 1
         ) b
    WHERE ox.order_name = b.order_name AND ox.asset_id = b.asset_id
    AND ox.CTID <> b.ctid;

    If the data cannot be deleted, you have to manually update each duplicate order_names to a unique value.

  3. Get the name of the constraint:

    SELECT conname FROM pg_constraint WHERE conrelid = 'ordertable'::regclass AND contype = 'u';
  4. Drop the constraint:

    ALTER TABLE ordertable DROP CONSTRAINT ordertable_asset_id_order_id_key;
  5. Add the new constraint:

    ALTER TABLE ordertable ADD CONSTRAINT ordertable_asset_id_order_name_key UNIQUE (asset_id, order_name);

Now you can close the shell by typing exit and continue with the upgrade process.

Clear Workloads

Some workloads need to be deleted before upgrading. This process does not delete any data, but it will cause downtime. If a workload is missing, it means that it was not enabled in your cluster, therefore you can skip it.

To delete a resource, you can select it using the box on the left of the resource name and click the - button on the bottom right corner.

  1. Open the Workloads tab.
  2. From the Deployment section, delete the following deployments:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-barcodereader
    • united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt
    • united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
  3. From the StatefulSet section, delete the following statefulsets:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce
    • united-manufacturing-hub-nodered
    • united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect

Upgrade Helm Chart

Now everything is ready to upgrade the Helm chart.

  1. Navigate to the Helm > Releases tab.

  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub release and click Upgrade.

  3. In the Helm Upgrade window, make sure that the Upgrade version field contains the version you want to upgrade to.

  4. You can also change the values of the Helm chart, if needed.

    • Enable the startup probe for the Kafka Broker by adding the following into the kafka section:

        enabled: true
        failureThreshold: 600
        periodSeconds: 10
        timeoutSeconds: 10
  5. Click Upgrade.

The upgrade process can take a few minutes. The upgrade is complete when the Status field of the release is Deployed.

Changes to the messages

Some messages have been modified in this version. You need to update some payolads in your Node-RED flows.

  • modifyState:
    • start_time_stamp has been renamed to timestamp_ms
    • end_time_stamp has been renamed to timestamp_ms_end
  • modifyProducedPieces:
    • start_time_stamp has been renamed to timestamp_ms
    • end_time_stamp has been renamed to timestamp_ms_end
  • deleteShiftByAssetIdAndBeginTimestamp and deleteShiftById have been removed. Use the deleteShift message instead.

8.13 - Upgrade to v0.9.4

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.4

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.4. Before upgrading, remember to backup the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Add Helm repo in UMHLens / OpenLens

Check if the UMH Helm repository is added in UMHLens / OpenLens. To do so, from the top-left menu, select FIle > Preferences (or press CTRL + ,). Click on the Kubernetes tab and check if the Helm Chart section contains the https://repo.umh.app repository.

If it doesn’t, click the Add Custom Helm Repo button and fill in the following values:

Then click Add.

Clear Workloads

Some workloads need to be deleted before upgrading. This process does not delete any data, but it will cause downtime. If a workload is missing, it means that it was not enabled in your cluster, therefore you can skip it.

To delete a resource, you can select it using the box on the left of the resource name and click the - button on the bottom right corner.

  1. Open the Workloads tab.
  2. From the Deployment section, delete the following deployments:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-barcodereader
    • united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt
    • united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
  3. From the StatefulSet section, delete the following statefulsets:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce
    • united-manufacturing-hub-nodered
    • united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect

Upgrade Helm Chart

Now everything is ready to upgrade the Helm chart.

  1. Navigate to the Helm > Releases tab.

  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub release and click Upgrade.

  3. In the Helm Upgrade window, make sure that the Upgrade version field contains the version you want to upgrade to.

  4. You can also change the values of the Helm chart, if needed.

    • If you have enabled the Kafka Bridge, find the section _000_commonConfig.kafkaBridge.topicmap and set the value to the following:

      - bidirectional: false
        name: HighIntegrity
        send_direction: to_remote
        topic: ^ia\.(([^r.](\d|-|\w)*)|(r[b-z](\d|-|\w)*)|(ra[^w]))\.(\d|-|\w|_)+\.(\d|-|\w|_)+\.((addMaintenanceActivity)|(addOrder)|(addParentToChild)|(addProduct)|(addShift)|(count)|(deleteShiftByAssetIdAndBeginTimestamp)|(deleteShiftById)|(endOrder)|(modifyProducedPieces)|(modifyState)|(productTag)|(productTagString)|(recommendation)|(scrapCount)|(startOrder)|(state)|(uniqueProduct)|(scrapUniqueProduct))$
      - bidirectional: false
        name: HighThroughput
        send_direction: to_remote
        topic: ^ia\.(([^r.](\d|-|\w)*)|(r[b-z](\d|-|\w)*)|(ra[^w]))\.(\d|-|\w|_)+\.(\d|-|\w|_)+\.(process[V|v]alue).*$

      For more information, see the Kafka Bridge configuration

    • If you have enabled Barcodereader, find the barcodereader section and set the following values, adding the missing ones and updating the already existing ones:

      enabled: false
        pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          cpu: "2m"
          memory: "30Mi"
          cpu: "10m"
          memory: "60Mi"
      scanOnly: false # Debug mode, will not send data to kafka
  5. Click Upgrade.

The upgrade process can take a few minutes. The process is complete when the Status field of the release is Deployed.