Upgrade to v0.9.12

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.12

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.12. Before upgrading, remember to backup the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Add Helm repo in UMHLens / OpenLens

Check if the UMH Helm repository is added in UMHLens / OpenLens. To do so, from the top-left menu, select FIle > Preferences (or press CTRL + ,). Click on the Kubernetes tab and check if the Helm Chart section contains the https://repo.umh.app repository.

If it doesn’t, click the Add Custom Helm Repo button and fill in the following values:

Then click Add.

Backup RBAC configuration for MQTT Broker

This step is only needed if you enabled RBAC for the MQTT Broker and changed the default password. If you did not change the default password, you can skip this step.

  1. Navigate to Config > ConfigMaps.
  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce-extension ConfigMap.
  3. Copy the content of credentials.xml and save it in a safe place.

Clear Workloads

Some workloads need to be deleted before upgrading. This process does not delete any data, but it will cause downtime. If a workload is missing, it means that it was not enabled in your cluster, therefore you can skip it.

To delete a resource, you can select it using the box on the left of the resource name and click the - button on the bottom right corner.

  1. Open the Workloads tab.
  2. From the Deployment section, delete the following deployments:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-barcodereader
    • united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt
    • united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
  3. From the StatefulSet section, delete the following statefulsets:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce
    • united-manufacturing-hub-nodered
    • united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect

Remove MQTT Broker extension PVC

In this version we reduced the size of the MQTT Broker extension PVC. To do so, we need to delete the old PVC and create a new one. This process will set the credentials of the MQTT Broker to the default ones. If you changed the default password, you can restore them after the upgrade.

  1. Navigate to Storage > Persistent Volume Claims.
  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce-claim-extensions PVC and click Delete.

Upgrade Helm Chart

Now everything is ready to upgrade the Helm chart.

  1. Navigate to the Helm > Releases tab.

  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub release and click Upgrade.

  3. In the Helm Upgrade window, make sure that the Upgrade version field contains the version you want to upgrade to.

  4. There are some incompatible changes in this version. To avoid errors, you need to change the following values:

    • Remove property console.console.config.kafka.tls.passphrase:

                passphrase: "" # <- remove this line
    • console.extraContainers: remove the property and its content.

        extraContainers: {} # <- remove this line
    • console.extraEnv: remove the property and its content.

        extraEnv: "" # <- remove this line
    • console.extraEnvFrom: remove the property and its content.

        extraEnvFrom: ""  # <- remove this line
    • console.extraVolumeMounts: remove the |- characters right after the property name. It should look like this:

        extraVolumeMounts: # <- remove the `|-` characters in this line
          - name: united-manufacturing-hub-kowl-certificates
            mountPath: /SSL_certs/kafka
            readOnly: true
    • console.extraVolumes: remove the |- characters right after the property name. It should look like this:

        extraVolumes: # <- remove the `|-` characters in this line
          - name: united-manufacturing-hub-kowl-certificates
              secretName: united-manufacturing-hub-kowl-secrets
    • Change the console.service property to the following:

          type: LoadBalancer
          port: 8090
          targetPort: 8080
    • Change the Redis URI in factoryinsight.redis:

          URI: united-manufacturing-hub-redis-headless:6379
    • Set the following values in the kafka section to true, or add them if they are missing:

            enabled: true
          enabled: true
          create: true
    • Change redis.architecture to standalone:

        architecture: standalone
    • redis.sentinel: remove the property and its content.

        sentinel: {} # <- remove all the content of this section
    • Remove the property redis.master.command:

        command: /run.sh # <- remove this line
    • timescaledb-single.fullWalPrevention: remove the property and its content.

        fullWalPrevention:              # <- remove this line
          checkFrequency: 30            # <- remove this line
          enabled: false                # <- remove this line
          thresholds:                   # <- remove this line
            readOnlyFreeMB: 64          # <- remove this line
            readOnlyFreePercent: 5      # <- remove this line
            readWriteFreeMB: 128        # <- remove this line
            readWriteFreePercent: 8     # <- remove this line
    • timescaledb-single.loadBalancer: remove the property and its content.

        loadBalancer:          # <- remove this line
          annotations:         # <- remove this line
            service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-connection-idle-timeout: "4000" # <- remove this line
          enabled: true        # <- remove this line
          port: 5432           # <- remove this line
    • timescaledb-single.replicaLoadBalancer: remove the property and its content.

          annotations:         # <- remove this line
            service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-connection-idle-timeout: "4000" # <- remove this line
          enabled: false       # <- remove this line
          port: 5432           # <- remove this line
    • timescaledb-single.secretNames: remove the property and its content.

        secretNames: {} # <- remove this line 
    • timescaledb-single.unsafe: remove the property and its content.

        unsafe: false # <- remove this line
    • Change the value of the timescaledb-single.service.primary.type property to LoadBalancer:

            type: LoadBalancer
  5. Click Upgrade.

The upgrade process can take a few minutes. The upgrade is complete when the Status field of the release is Deployed.