Upgrade to v0.9.4

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.4

This page describes how to upgrade the United Manufacturing Hub to version 0.9.4. Before upgrading, remember to backup the database, Node-RED flows, and your cluster configuration.

Add Helm repo in UMHLens / OpenLens

Check if the UMH Helm repository is added in UMHLens / OpenLens. To do so, from the top-left menu, select FIle > Preferences (or press CTRL + ,). Click on the Kubernetes tab and check if the Helm Chart section contains the https://repo.umh.app repository.

If it doesn’t, click the Add Custom Helm Repo button and fill in the following values:

Then click Add.

Clear Workloads

Some workloads need to be deleted before upgrading. This process does not delete any data, but it will cause downtime. If a workload is missing, it means that it was not enabled in your cluster, therefore you can skip it.

To delete a resource, you can select it using the box on the left of the resource name and click the - button on the bottom right corner.

  1. Open the Workloads tab.
  2. From the Deployment section, delete the following deployments:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-barcodereader
    • united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment
    • united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt
    • united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
  3. From the StatefulSet section, delete the following statefulsets:
    • united-manufacturing-hub-mqttbridge
    • united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce
    • united-manufacturing-hub-nodered
    • united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect

Upgrade Helm Chart

Now everything is ready to upgrade the Helm chart.

  1. Navigate to the Helm > Releases tab.

  2. Select the united-manufacturing-hub release and click Upgrade.

  3. In the Helm Upgrade window, make sure that the Upgrade version field contains the version you want to upgrade to.

  4. You can also change the values of the Helm chart, if needed.

    • If you have enabled the Kafka Bridge, find the section _000_commonConfig.kafkaBridge.topicmap and set the value to the following:

      - bidirectional: false
        name: HighIntegrity
        send_direction: to_remote
        topic: ^ia\.(([^r.](\d|-|\w)*)|(r[b-z](\d|-|\w)*)|(ra[^w]))\.(\d|-|\w|_)+\.(\d|-|\w|_)+\.((addMaintenanceActivity)|(addOrder)|(addParentToChild)|(addProduct)|(addShift)|(count)|(deleteShiftByAssetIdAndBeginTimestamp)|(deleteShiftById)|(endOrder)|(modifyProducedPieces)|(modifyState)|(productTag)|(productTagString)|(recommendation)|(scrapCount)|(startOrder)|(state)|(uniqueProduct)|(scrapUniqueProduct))$
      - bidirectional: false
        name: HighThroughput
        send_direction: to_remote
        topic: ^ia\.(([^r.](\d|-|\w)*)|(r[b-z](\d|-|\w)*)|(ra[^w]))\.(\d|-|\w|_)+\.(\d|-|\w|_)+\.(process[V|v]alue).*$

      For more information, see the Kafka Bridge configuration

    • If you have enabled Barcodereader, find the barcodereader section and set the following values, adding the missing ones and updating the already existing ones:

      enabled: false
        pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          cpu: "2m"
          memory: "30Mi"
          cpu: "10m"
          memory: "60Mi"
      scanOnly: false # Debug mode, will not send data to kafka
  5. Click Upgrade.

The upgrade process can take a few minutes. The process is complete when the Status field of the release is Deployed.