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Migrate to Data Model V1

This page describes how to migrate your existing instances from the old Data Model to the new Data Model V1.

In this guide, you will learn how to migrate your existing instances from the old Data Model to the new Data Model V1.

The old Data Model will continue to work, and all the data will be still available.

Before you begin

You need to have a UMH cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by following the Getting Started guide.

You also need to access the system where the cluster is running, either by logging into it or by using a remote shell.

Upgrade Your Companion to the Latest Version

If you haven’t already, upgrade your Companion to the latest version. You can easily do this from the Management Console by selecting your Instance and clicking on the “Upgrade” button.

Upgrade the Helm Chart

The new Data Model was introduced in the 0.10 release of the Helm Chart. To upgrade to the latest 0.10 release, you first need to update the Helm Chart to the latest 0.9 release and then upgrade to the latest 0.10 release.

There is no automatic way (yet!) to upgrade the Helm Chart, so you need to follow the manual steps below.

First, after accessing your instance, find the Helm Chart version you are currently using by running the following command:

sudo $(which helm) get metadata united-manufacturing-hub -n united-manufacturing-hub --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml | grep -e ^VERSION

Then, head to the upgrading archive and follow the instructions to upgrade from your current version to the latest version, one version at a time.