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This section contains the reference documentation for the microservices that can be found in the United Manufacturing Hub.

This section contains the technical documentation for the microservices that compose the United Manufacturing Hub.

1 - Barcodereader

The technical documentation of the barcodereader microservice, which reads barcodes and sends the data to the Kafka broker.

Kubernetes resources

  • Deployment: united-manufacturing-hub-barcodereader
  • Secret: united-manufacturing-hub-barcodereader-secrets


Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
ASSET_IDThe asset ID, which is used for the topic structurestringAnybarcodereader
CUSTOMER_IDThe customer ID, which is used for the topic structurestringAnyraw
DEBUG_ENABLE_FGTRACEEnables the use of the fgtrace library. Not recommended for productionstringtrue, falsefalse
INPUT_DEVICE_NAMEThe name of the USB device to usestringAnyDatalogic ADC, Inc. Handheld Barcode Scanner
INPUT_DEVICE_PATHThe path of the USB device to use. It is recommended to use a wildcard (for example, /dev/input/event*) or leave emptystringValid Unix device path""
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERURL of the Kafka broker used, port is requiredstringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-kafka:9092
LOCATIONThe location, which is used for the topic structurestringAnybarcodereader
LOGGING_LEVELDefines which logging level is used, mostly relevant for developers.stringPRODUCTION, DEVELOPMENTPRODUCTION
MICROSERVICE_NAMEName of the microservice (used for tracing)stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-barcodereader
SCAN_ONLYPrevent message broadcasting if enabledbooltrue, falsefalse
SERIAL_NUMBERSerial number of the cluster (used for tracing)stringAnydefalut

2 - Cache

The technical documentation of the redis microservice, which is used as a cache for the other microservices.

Kubernetes resources

  • StatefulSet: united-manufacturing-hub-redis-master
  • Service:
    • Internal ClusterIP:
      • Redis: united-manufacturing-hub-redis-master at port 6379
      • Headless: united-manufacturing-hub-redis-headless at port 6379
      • Metrics: united-manufacturing-hub-redis-metrics at port 6379
  • ConfigMap:
    • Configuration: united-manufacturing-hub-redis-configuration
    • Health: united-manufacturing-hub-redis-health
    • Scripts: united-manufacturing-hub-redis-scripts
  • Secret: redis-secret
  • PersistentVolumeClaim: redis-data-united-manufacturing-hub-redis-master-0


You shouldn’t need to configure the cache manually, as it’s configured automatically when the cluster is deployed. However, if you need to change the configuration, you can do it by editing the redis section of the Helm chart values file.

You can consult the Bitnami Redis chart for more information about the available configuration options.

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORDAllow empty passwordbooltrue, falsefalse
BITNAMI_DEBUGSpecify if debug values should be setbooltrue, falsefalse
REDIS_PASSWORDRedis passwordstringAnyRandom UUID
REDIS_PORTRedis port numberintAny6379
REDIS_REPLICATION_MODERedis replication modestringmaster, slavemaster
REDIS_TLS_ENABLEDEnable TLSbooltrue, falsefalse

3 - Data Bridge

The technical documentation of the data-bridge microservice, which transfers data between two Kafka or MQTT brokers, tranforming the data following the UNS data model.

Kubernetes resources

  • Deployment: united-manufacturing-hub-databridge-0
  • Secret: united-manufacturing-hub-databridge-mqtt-secrets


You shouldn’t need to configure the environment variables directly, as they are set by the Helm chart. If you need to change them, you can do so by editing the values in the Helm chart.

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
BROKER_AThe address of the source broker.stringAny""
BROKER_BThe address of the destination broker.stringAny""
MESSAGE_LRU_SIZEThe size of the LRU cache used to avoid message looping. Only used with MQTT brokersintAny1000000
MICROSERVICE_NAMEName of the microservice. Used for tracing.stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-databridge
MQTT_ENABLE_TLSWhether to enable TLS for the MQTT connection.booltrue, falsefalse
MQTT_PASSWORDThe password to use for the MQTT connection.stringAny""
PARTITIONSThe number of partitions to use for the destination topic. Only used if the destination broker is Kafka.intGreater than 06
POD_NAMEName of the pod. Used for tracing.stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-databridge
REPLICATION_FACTORThe replication factor to use for the destination topic. Only used if the destination broker is Kafka.intOdd integer3
SERIAL_NUMBERSerial number of the cluster. Used for tracing.stringAnydefault
SPLITThe nth part of the topic to use as the message key. If the topic is umh/v1/acme/anytown/foo/bar, and SPLIT is 4, then the message key will be foo.barintGreater than 3-1
TOPICThe topic to subscribe to. Can be in either MQTT or Kafka form. Wildcards (# for MQTT, .* for Kafka) are allowed in order to subscribe to multiple topicsstringAny""

4 - Database

The technical documentation of the database microservice, which stores the data of the application.

Kubernetes resources

  • StatefulSet: united-manufacturing-hub-timescaledb
  • Service:
    • Internal ClusterIP for the replicas: united-manufacturing-hub-replica at port 5432
    • Internal ClusterIP for the config: united-manufacturing-hub-config at port 8008
    • External LoadBalancer: united-manufacturing-hub at port 5432
  • ConfigMap:
    • Patroni: united-manufacturing-hub-timescaledb-patroni
    • Post init: timescale-post-init
    • Postgres BackRest: united-manufacturing-hub-timescaledb-pgbackrest
    • Scripts: united-manufacturing-hub-timescaledb-scripts
  • Secret:
    • Certificate: united-manufacturing-hub-certificate
    • Patroni credentials: united-manufacturing-hub-credentials
    • Users passwords: timescale-post-init-pw
  • PersistentVolumeClaim:
    • Data: storage-volume-united-manufacturing-hub-timescaledb-0
    • WAL-E: wal-volume-united-manufacturing-hub-timescaledb-0


There is only one parameter that usually needs to be changed: the password used to connect to the database. To do so, set the value of the db_password key in the _000_commonConfig.datastorage section of the Helm chart values file.

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
BOOTSTRAP_FROM_BACKUPWhether to bootstrap the database from a backup or not.int0, 10
PATRONI_KUBERNETES_LABELSThe labels to use to find the pods of the StatefulSet.stringAny{app: united-manufacturing-hub-timescaledb, cluster-name: united-manufacturing-hub, release: united-manufacturing-hub}
PATRONI_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACEThe namespace in which the StatefulSet is deployed.stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub
PATRONI_KUBERNETES_POD_IPThe IP address of the pod.stringAnyRandom IP
PATRONI_KUBERNETES_PORTSThe ports to use to connect to the pods.stringAny[{"name": "postgresql", "port": 5432}]
PATRONI_NAMEThe name of the pod.stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-timescaledb-0
PATRONI_POSTGRESQL_CONNECT_ADDRESSThe address to use to connect to the database.stringAny$(PATRONI_KUBERNETES_POD_IP):5432
PATRONI_POSTGRESQL_DATA_DIRThe directory where the database data is stored.stringAny/var/lib/postgresql/data
PATRONI_REPLICATION_PASSWORDThe password to use to connect to the database as a replica.stringAnyRandom 16 characters
PATRONI_REPLICATION_USERNAMEThe username to use to connect to the database as a replica.stringAnystandby
PATRONI_RESTAPI_CONNECT_ADDRESSThe address to use to connect to the REST API.stringAny$(PATRONI_KUBERNETES_POD_IP):8008
PATRONI_SCOPEThe name of the cluster.stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub
PATRONI_SUPERUSER_PASSWORDThe password to use to connect to the database as the superuser.stringAnyRandom 16 characters
PATRONI_admin_OPTIONSThe options to use for the admin user.stringComma separated list of optionscreaterole,createdb
PATRONI_admin_PASSWORDThe password to use to connect to the database as the admin user.stringAnyRandom 16 characters
PGBACKREST_CONFIGThe path to the configuration file for Postgres BackRest.stringAny/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf
PGDATAThe directory where the database data is stored.stringAny$(PATRONI_POSTGRESQL_DATA_DIR)
PGHOSTThe directory of the runnning databasestringAny/var/run/postgresql

5 - Factoryinsight

The technical documentation of the Factoryinsight microservice, which exposes a set of APIs to access the data from the database.

Kubernetes resources

  • Deployment: united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-deployment
  • Service:
  • Secret: factoryinsight-secret


You shouldn’t need to configure Factoryinsight manually, as it’s configured automatically when the cluster is deployed. However, if you need to change the configuration, you can do it by editing the factoryinsight section of the Helm chart values file.

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
CUSTOMER_NAME_{NUMBER}Specifies a user for the REST API. Multiple users can be setstringAny""
CUSTOMER_PASSWORD_{NUMBER}Specifies the password of the user for the REST APIstringAny""
DEBUG_ENABLE_FGTRACEEnables the use of the fgtrace library. Not recommended for productionstringtrue, falsefalse
DRY_RUNIf enabled, data wont be stored in databasebooltrue, falsefalse
FACTORYINSIGHT_PASSWORDSpecifies the password for the admin user for the REST APIstringAnyRandom UUID
FACTORYINSIGHT_USERSpecifies the admin user for the REST APIstringAnyfactoryinsight
INSECURE_NO_AUTHIf enabled, no authentication is required for the REST API. Not recommended for productionbooltrue, falsefalse
LOGGING_LEVELDefines which logging level is used, mostly relevant for developersstringPRODUCTION, DEVELOPMENTPRODUCTION
MICROSERVICE_NAMEName of the microservice. Used for tracingstringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight
POSTGRES_DATABASESpecifies the database name to usestringAnyfactoryinsight
POSTGRES_HOSTSpecifies the database DNS name or IP addressstringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub
POSTGRES_PASSWORDSpecifies the database password to usestringAnychangeme
POSTGRES_PORTSpecifies the database portintValid port number5432
POSTGRES_USERSpecifies the database user to usestringAnyfactoryinsight
REDIS_PASSWORDPassword to access the redis sentinelstringAnyRandom UUID
REDIS_URIThe URI of the Redis instancestringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-redis-headless:6379
SERIAL_NUMBERSerial number of the cluster. Used for tracingstringAnydefault
VERSIONThe version of the API used. Each version also enables all the previous onesintAny2

API documentation

6 - Grafana

The technical documentation of the grafana microservice, which is a web application that provides visualization and analytics capabilities.

Kubernetes resources

  • Deployment: united-manufacturing-hub-grafana
  • Service:
    • External LoadBalancer: united-manufacturing-hub-grafana at port 8080
  • ConfigMap: united-manufacturing-hub-grafana
  • Secret: grafana-secret
  • PersistentVolumeClaim: united-manufacturing-hub-grafana


Grafana is configured through its user interface. The default credentials are found in the grafana-secret Secret.

The Grafana installation that is provided by the United Manufacturing Hub is shipped with a set of preinstalled plugins:

  • ACE.SVG by Andrew Rodgers
  • Button Panel by CloudSpout LLC
  • Button Panel by UMH Systems Gmbh
  • Discrete by Natel Energy
  • Dynamic Text by Marcus Olsson
  • FlowCharting by agent
  • Pareto Chart by isaozler
  • Pie Chart (old) by Grafana Labs
  • Timepicker Buttons Panel by williamvenner
  • UMH Datasource by UMH Systems Gmbh
  • UMH Datasource v2 by UMH Systems Gmbh
  • Untimely by factry
  • Worldmap Panel by Grafana Labs

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
FACTORYINSIGHT_APIKEYThe API key to use to authenticate to the Factoryinsight APIstringAnyBase64 encoded string
FACTORYINSIGHT_BASEURLThe base URL of the Factoryinsight APIstringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-service
FACTORYINSIGHT_CUSTOMERIDThe customer ID to use to authenticate to the Factoryinsight APIstringAnyfactoryinsight
FACTORYINSIGHT_PASSWORDThe password to use to authenticate to the Factoryinsight APIstringAnyRandom UUID
GF_PATHS_DATAThe path where Grafana will store its datastringAny/var/lib/grafana/data
GF_PATHS_LOGSThe path where Grafana will store its logsstringAny/var/log/grafana
GF_PATHS_PLUGINSThe path where Grafana will store its pluginsstringAny/var/lib/grafana/plugins
GF_PATHS_PROVISIONINGThe path where Grafana will store its provisioning configurationstringAny/etc/grafana/provisioning
GF_PLUGINS_ALLOW_LOADING_UNSIGNED_PLUGINSList of plugin identifiers to allow loading even if they lack a valid signaturestringComma separated listumh-datasource,umh-factoryinput-panel,umh-v2-datasource
GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORDThe password of the admin userstringAnyRandom UUID
GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USERThe username of the admin userstringAnyadmin

7 - Kafka Bridge

The technical documentation of the kafka-bridge microservice, which acts as a communication bridge between two Kafka brokers.

Kubernetes resources

  • Deployment: united-manufacturing-hub-kafkabridge
  • Secret:
    • Local broker: united-manufacturing-hub-kafkabridge-secrets-local
    • Remote broker: united-manufacturing-hub-kafkabridge-secrets-remote


You can configure the kafka-bridge microservice by setting the following values in the _000_commonConfig.kafkaBridge section of the Helm chart values file.

    enabled: true
    remotebootstrapServer: ""
      - bidirectional: false
        name: HighIntegrity
        send_direction: to_remote
        topic: ^ia\..+\..+\..+\.((addMaintenanceActivity)|(addOrder)|(addParentToChild)|(addProduct)|(addShift)|(count)|(deleteShiftByAssetIdAndBeginTimestamp)|(deleteShiftById)|(endOrder)|(modifyProducedPieces)|(modifyState)|(productTag)|(productTagString)|(recommendation)|(scrapCount)|(startOrder)|(state)|(uniqueProduct)|(scrapUniqueProduct))$
      - bidirectional: false
        name: HighThroughput
        send_direction: to_remote
        topic: ^ia\..+\..+\..+\.(processValue).*$

Topic Map schema

The topic map is a list of objects, each object represents a topic (or a set of topics) that should be forwarded. The following JSON schema describes the structure of the topic map:

    "$schema": "",
    "type": "array",
    "title": "Kafka Topic Map",
    "description": "This schema validates valid Kafka topic maps.",
    "default": [],
    "additionalItems": true,
    "items": {
        "$id": "#/items",
        "anyOf": [
                "$id": "#/items/anyOf/0",
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Unidirectional Kafka Topic Map with send direction",
                "description": "This schema validates entries, that are unidirectional and have a send direction.",
                "default": {},
                "examples": [
                        "name": "HighIntegrity",
                        "topic": "^ia\\..+\\..+\\..+\\.(?!processValue).+$",
                        "bidirectional": false,
                        "send_direction": "to_remote"
                "required": [
                "properties": {
                    "name": {
                        "$id": "#/items/anyOf/0/properties/name",
                        "type": "string",
                        "title": "Entry Name",
                        "description": "Name of the map entry, only used for logging & tracing.",
                        "default": "",
                        "examples": [
                    "topic": {
                        "$id": "#/items/anyOf/0/properties/topic",
                        "type": "string",
                        "title": "The topic to listen on",
                        "description": "The topic to listen on, this can be a regular expression.",
                        "default": "",
                        "examples": [
                    "bidirectional": {
                        "$id": "#/items/anyOf/0/properties/bidirectional",
                        "type": "boolean",
                        "title": "Is the transfer bidirectional?",
                        "description": "When set to true, the bridge will consume and produce from both brokers",
                        "default": false,
                        "examples": [
                    "send_direction": {
                        "$id": "#/items/anyOf/0/properties/send_direction",
                        "type": "string",
                        "title": "Send direction",
                        "description": "Can be either 'to_remote' or 'to_local'",
                        "default": "",
                        "examples": [
                "additionalProperties": true
                "$id": "#/items/anyOf/1",
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Bi-directional Kafka Topic Map with send direction",
                "description": "This schema validates entries, that are bi-directional.",
                "default": {},
                "examples": [
                        "name": "HighIntegrity",
                        "topic": "^ia\\..+\\..+\\..+\\.(?!processValue).+$",
                        "bidirectional": true
                "required": [
                "properties": {
                    "name": {
                        "$id": "#/items/anyOf/1/properties/name",
                        "type": "string",
                        "title": "Entry Name",
                        "description": "Name of the map entry, only used for logging & tracing.",
                        "default": "",
                        "examples": [
                    "topic": {
                        "$id": "#/items/anyOf/1/properties/topic",
                        "type": "string",
                        "title": "The topic to listen on",
                        "description": "The topic to listen on, this can be a regular expression.",
                        "default": "",
                        "examples": [
                    "bidirectional": {
                        "$id": "#/items/anyOf/1/properties/bidirectional",
                        "type": "boolean",
                        "title": "Is the transfer bidirectional?",
                        "description": "When set to true, the bridge will consume and produce from both brokers",
                        "default": false,
                        "examples": [
                "additionalProperties": true
    "examples": [

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
DEBUG_ENABLE_FGTRACEEnables the use of the fgtrace library, do not enable in productionstringtrue, falsefalse
KAFKA_GROUP_ID_SUFFIXIdentifier appended to the kafka group ID, usually a serial numberstringAnydefalut
KAFKA_SSL_KEY_PASSWORD_LOCALPassword for the SSL key pf the local brokerstringAny""
KAFKA_SSL_KEY_PASSWORD_REMOTEPassword for the SSL key of the remote brokerstringAny""
KAFKA_TOPIC_MAPA json map of the kafka topics should be forwardedJSONSee below{}
KAKFA_USE_SSLEnables the use of SSL for the kafka connectionstringtrue, falsefalse
LOCAL_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERURL of the local kafka broker, port is requiredstringAny valid URLunited-manufacturing-hub-kafka:9092
LOGGING_LEVELDefines which logging level is used, mostly relevant for developers.stringPRODUCTION, DEVELOPMENTPRODUCTION
MICROSERVICE_NAMEName of the microservice (used for tracing)stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-kafka-bridge
REMOTE_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERURL of the remote kafka brokerstringAny valid URL""
SERIAL_NUMBERSerial number of the cluster (used for tracing)stringAnydefalut

8 - Kafka Broker

The technical documentation of the kafka-broker microservice, which handles the communication between the microservices.

Kubernetes resources

  • StatefulSet: united-manufacturing-hub-kafka
  • Service:
    • Internal ClusterIP (headless): united-manufacturing-hub-kafka
    • External NodePort: united-manufacturing-hub-kafka-external at port 9094 for the Kafka API listener, port 9644 for the Admin API listener, port 8083 for the HTTP Proxy listener, and port 8081 for the Schema Registry listener.
  • ConfigMap: united-manufacturing-hub-kafka
  • Secret: united-manufacturing-hub-kafka-sts-lifecycle
  • PersistentVolumeClaim: datadir-united-manufacturing-hub-kafka-0


You shouldn’t need to configure the Kafka broker manually, as it’s configured automatically when the cluster is deployed. However, if you need to change the configuration, you can do it by editing the redpanda section of the Helm chart values file.

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
HOST_IPThe IP address of the host machine.stringAnyRandom IP
POD_IPThe IP address of the pod.stringAnyRandom IP
SERVICE_NAMEThe name of the service.stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-kafka

9 - Kafka Console

The technical documentation of the kafka-console microservice, which provides a GUI to interact with the Kafka broker.

Kubernetes resources

  • Deployment: united-manufacturing-hub-console
  • Service:
    • External LoadBalancer: united-manufacturing-hub-console at port 8090
  • ConfigMap: united-manufacturing-hub-console
  • Secret: united-manufacturing-hub-console


Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
LOGIN_JWTSECRETThe secret used to authenticate the communication to the backend.stringAnyRandom string

10 - Kafka to Postgresql

The technical documentation of the kafka-to-postgresql microservice, which consumes messages from a Kafka broker and writes them in a PostgreSQL database.

Kubernetes resources

  • Deployment: united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql
  • Secret: united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql-certificates


You shouldn’t need to configure kafka-to-postgresql manually, as it’s configured automatically when the cluster is deployed. However, if you need to change the configuration, you can do it by editing the kafkatopostgresql section of the Helm chart values file.

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
DEBUG_ENABLE_FGTRACEEnables the use of the fgtrace library. Not recommended for productionstringtrue, falsefalse
DRY_RUNIf set to true, the microservice will not write to the databasebooltrue, falsefalse
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERURL of the Kafka broker used, port is requiredstringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-kafka:9092
KAFKA_SSL_KEY_PASSWORDKey password to decode the SSL private keystringAny""
LOGGING_LEVELDefines which logging level is used, mostly relevant for developersstringPRODUCTION, DEVELOPMENTPRODUCTION
MEMORY_REQUESTMemory request for the message cachestringAny50Mi
MICROSERVICE_NAMEName of the microservice (used for tracing)stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresql
POSTGRES_DATABASEThe name of the PostgreSQL databasestringAnyfactoryinsight
POSTGRES_HOSTHostname of the PostgreSQL databasestringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub
POSTGRES_PASSWORDThe password to use for PostgreSQL connectionsstringAnychangeme
POSTGRES_SSLMODEIf set to true, the PostgreSQL connection will use SSLstringAnyrequire
POSTGRES_USERThe username to use for PostgreSQL connectionsstringAnyfactoryinsight

11 - Kafka to Postgresql v2

The technical documentation of the kafka-to-postgresql-v2 microservice, which consumes messages from a Kafka broker and writes them in a PostgreSQL database by following the UMH data model v2.

Kubernetes resources

  • Deployment: united-manufacturing-hub-kafkatopostgresqlv2


You shouldn’t need to configure kafka-to-postgresql-v2 manually, as it’s configured automatically when the cluster is deployed. However, if you need to change the configuration, you can do it by editing the kafkatopostgresqlv2 section of the Helm chart values file.

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
KAFKA_BROKERSSpecifies the URLs and required ports of Kafka brokers using the Kafka protocol.stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-kafka:9092
KAFKA_HTTP_BROKERSSpecifies the URLs and required ports of Kafka brokers using the HTTP protocol.stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-kafka:8082
LOGGING_LEVELDetermines the verbosity of the logging output, primarily used for development purposes.stringPRODUCTION, DEVELOPMENTPRODUCTION
POSTGRES_DATABASEDesignates the name of the target PostgreSQL database.stringAnyumh_v2
POSTGRES_HOSTIdentifies the hostname for the PostgreSQL database server.stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub
POSTGRES_LRU_CACHE_SIZEDetermines the size of the Least Recently Used (LRU) cache for asset ID storage. This cache is optimized for minimal memory usage.stringAny1000
POSTGRES_PASSWORDSets the password for accessing the PostgreSQL databasestringAnychangemetoo
POSTGRES_PORTSpecifies the network port for the PostgreSQL database server.stringAny5432
POSTGRES_SSL_MODEConfigures the PostgreSQL connection to use SSL if set to ’true'.stringAnyrequire
POSTGRES_USERDefines the username for PostgreSQL database access.stringAnykafkatopostgresqlv2
VALUE_CHANNEL_SIZESets the size of the channel for message storage prior to insertion. This parameter is significant for memory consumptionstringAny10000
WORKER_MULTIPLIERThis multiplier affects the number of workers converting Kafka messages into the PostgreSQL schema. Total workers = cores * multiplier.stringAny16

12 - MQTT Broker

The technical documentation of the mqtt-broker microservice, which forwards MQTT messages between the other microservices.

Kubernetes resources

  • StatefulSet: united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce
  • Service:
    • Internal ClusterIP:
      • HiveMQ local: united-manufacturing-hub-hivemq-local-service at port 1883 (MQTT) and 8883 (MQTT over TLS)
      • VerneMQ (for backwards compatibility): united-manufacturing-hub-vernemq at port 1883 (MQTT) and 8883 (MQTT over TLS)
      • VerneMQ local (for backwards compatibility): united-manufacturing-hub-vernemq-local-service at port 1883 (MQTT) and 8883 (MQTT over TLS)
    • External LoadBalancer: united-manufacturing-hub-mqtt at port 1883 (MQTT) and 8883 (MQTT over TLS)
  • ConfigMap:
    • Configuration: united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce-hive
    • Credentials: united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce-extension
  • Secret: united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce-secret-keystore
  • PersistentVolumeClaim:
    • Data: united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce-claim-data
    • Extensions: united-manufacturing-hub-hivemqce-claim-extensions


Most of the configuration is done through the XML files in the ConfigMaps. The default configuration should be sufficient for most use cases.

The HiveMQ installation of the United Manufacturing Hub comes with these extensions:

If you want to add more extensions, or to change the configuration, visit the HiveMQ documentation.

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
HIVEMQ_ALLOW_ALL_CLIENTSWhether to allow all clients to connect to the brokerbooltrue, falsetrue

13 - MQTT Kafka Bridge

The technical documentation of the mqtt-kafka-bridge microservice, which transfers messages from MQTT brokers to Kafka Brokers and vice versa.

Kubernetes resources

  • Deployment: united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge
  • Secret:
    • Kafka: united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge-kafka-secrets
    • MQTT: united-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge-mqtt-secrets


You shouldn’t need to configure mqtt-kafka-bridge manually, as it’s configured automatically when the cluster is deployed. However, if you need to change the configuration, you can do it by editing the mqttkafkabridge section of the Helm chart values file.

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
DEBUG_ENABLE_FGTRACEEnables the use of the fgtrace library. Not recommended for productionstringtrue, falsefalse
INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFYSkip TLS certificate verificationbooltrue, falsetrue
KAFKA_BASE_TOPICThe Kafka base topicstringAnyia
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERURL of the Kafka broker used, port is requiredstringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-kafka:9092
KAFKA_LISTEN_TOPICKafka topic to subscribe to. Accept regex valuesstringAny^ia.+
KAFKA_SENDER_THREADSNumber of threads used to send messages to KafkaintAny1
LOGGING_LEVELDefines which logging level is used, mostly relevant for developersstringPRODUCTION, DEVELOPMENTPRODUCTION
MESSAGE_LRU_SIZESize of the LRU cache used to store messages. This is used to prevent duplicate messages from being sent to Kafka.intAny100000
MICROSERVICE_NAMEName of the microservice (used for tracing)stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge
MQTT_BROKER_URLThe MQTT broker URLstringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-mqtt:1883
MQTT_CERTIFICATE_NAMESet to NO_CERT to allow non-encrypted MQTT access, or to USE_TLS to use TLS encryptionstringUSE_TLS, NO_CERTUSE_TLS
MQTT_SENDER_THREADSNumber of threads used to send messages to MQTTintAny1
MQTT_TOPICMQTT topic to subscribe to. Accept regex valuesstringAnyia/#
POD_NAMEName of the pod. Used for tracingstringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-mqttkafkabridge-Random-ID
RAW_MESSSAGE_LRU_SIZESize of the LRU cache used to store raw messages. This is used to prevent duplicate messages from being sent to Kafka.intAny100000
SERIAL_NUMBERSerial number of the cluster (used for tracing)stringAnydefault

14 - MQTT Simulator

The technical documentation of the iotsensorsmqtt microservice, which simulates sensors sending data to the MQTT broker.

Kubernetes resources

  • Deployment: united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensorsmqtt
  • ConfigMap: united-manufacturing-hub-iotsensors-mqtt


You can change the configuration of the microservice by updating the config.json file in the ConfigMap.

15 - MQTT to Postgresql

The technical documentation of the mqtt-to-postgresql microservice, which consumes messages from an MQTT broker and writes them in a PostgreSQL database.

16 - Node-RED

The technical documentation of the nodered microservice, which wires together hardware devices, APIs and online services.

Kubernetes resources

  • StatefulSet: united-manufacturing-hub-nodered
  • Service:
    • External LoadBalancer: united-manufacturing-hub-nodered-service at port 1880
  • ConfigMap:
    • Configuration: united-manufacturing-hub-nodered-config
    • Flows: united-manufacturing-hub-nodered-flows
  • Secret: united-manufacturing-hub-nodered-secrets
  • PersistentVolumeClaim: united-manufacturing-hub-nodered-claim


You can enable the nodered microservice and decide if you want to use the default flows in the _000_commonConfig.dataprocessing.nodered section of the Helm chart values.

All the other values are set by default and you can find them in the Danger Zone section of the Helm chart values.

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
NODE_RED_ENABLE_SAFE_MODEEnable safe mode, useful in case of broken flowsbooleantrue, falsefalse
TZThe timezone used by Node-REDstringAnyBerlin/Europe

17 - OPCUA Simulator

The technical documentation of the opcua-simulator microservice, which simulates OPCUA devices.

Kubernetes resources

  • Deployment: united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-deployment
  • Service:
    • External LoadBalancer: united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-service at port 46010
  • ConfigMap: united-manufacturing-hub-opcuasimulator-config


You can change the configuration of the microservice by updating the config.json file in the ConfigMap.

18 - PackML Simulator

The technical documentation of the packml-simulator microservice, which simulates a manufacturing line using PackML over MQTT.

Kubernetes resources

  • Deployment: united-manufacturing-hub-packmlmqttsimulator


You shouldn’t need to configure PackML Simulator manually, as it’s configured automatically when the cluster is deployed. However, if you need to change the configuration, you can do it by editing the packmlmqttsimulator section of the Helm chart values file.

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
AREAISA-95 area name of the linestringAnyDefaultArea
LINEISA-95 line name of the linestringAnyDefaultProductionLine
MQTT_PASSWORDPassword for the MQTT broker. Leave empty if the server does not manage permissionsstringAnyINSECURE_INSECURE_INSECURE
MQTT_URLServer URL of the MQTT serverstringAnymqtt://united-manufacturing-hub-mqtt:1883
MQTT_USERNAMEName for the MQTT broker. Leave empty if the server does not manage permissionsstringAnyPACKMLSIMULATOR
SITEISA-95 site name of the linestringAnytestLocation

19 - Sensorconnect

The technical documentation of the sensorconnect microservice, which reads data from sensors and sends them to the MQTT or Kafka broker.

Kubernetes resources

  • StatefulSet: united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect
  • Secret:
    • Kafka: united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect-kafka-secrets
    • MQTT: united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect-mqtt-secrets
  • PersistentVolumeClaim: united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect-claim


You can configure the IP range to scan for gateways, and which message broker to use, by setting the values of the parameters in the _000_commonConfig.datasources.sensorconnect section of the Helm chart values file.

The default values of the other parameters are usually good for most use cases, but you can change them in the Danger Zone section of the Helm chart values file.

If you want to increase the polling speed of the sensors, you can do so by setting the sensorconnect.lowerPollingTime parameter to a lower value. This can cause the ifm IO-link master to become unresponsive, if its firmware is not up to date.

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
ADDITIONAL_SLEEP_TIME_PER_ACTIVE_PORT_MSAdditional sleep time between pollings for each active portfloatAny0.0
ADDITIONAL_SLOWDOWN_MAPJSON map of values, allows to slow down and speed up the polling time of specific sensorsJSONSee below[]
DEBUG_ENABLE_FGTRACEEnables the use of the fgtrace library. Not recommended for productionstringtrue, falsefalse
DEVICE_FINDER_TIMEOUT_SECHTTP timeout in seconds for finding new devicesintAny1
DEVICE_FINDER_TIME_SECTime interval in seconds for finding new devicesintAny20
IODD_FILE_PATHFilesystem path where to store IODD filesstringAny valid Unix path/ioddfiles
IP_RANGEThe IP range to scan for new sensorstringAny valid IP in CIDR notation192.168.10.1/24
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERURL of the Kafka broker. Port is requiredstringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-kafka:9092
KAFKA_SSL_KEY_PASSWORDThe encrypted password of the SSL key. If empty, no password is usedstringAny""
KAFKA_USE_SSLSet to true to use SSL encryption for the connection to the Kafka brokerstringtrue, falsefalse
LOGGING_LEVELDefines which logging level is used, mostly relevant for developersstringPRODUCTION, DEVELOPMENTPRODUCTION
LOWER_POLLING_TIME_MSTime in milliseconds to define the lower bound of time between sensor pollingintAny100
MAX_SENSOR_ERROR_COUNTAmount of errors before a sensor is temporarily disabledintAny50
MICROSERVICE_NAMEName of the microservice (used for tracing)stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect
MQTT_BROKER_URLURL of the MQTT broker. Port is requiredstringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-mqtt:1883
MQTT_CERTIFICATE_NAMESet to NO_CERT to allow non-encrypted MQTT access, or to USE_TLS to use TLS encryptionstringUSE_TLS, NO_CERTUSE_TLS
POD_NAMEName of the pod (used for tracing)stringAnyunited-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect-0
POLLING_SPEED_STEP_DOWN_MSTime in milliseconds subtracted from the polling interval after a successful pollingintAny1
POLLING_SPEED_STEP_UP_MSTime in milliseconds added to the polling interval after a failed pollingintAny20
SENSOR_INITIAL_POLLING_TIME_MSAmount of time in milliseconds before starting to request sensor data. Must be higher than LOWER_POLLING_TIME_MSintAny100
SUB_TWENTY_MSSet to 1 to allow LOWER_POLLING_TIME_MS of under 20 ms. This is not recommended as it might lead to the gateway becoming unresponsive until a manual rebootint0, 10
TESTIf enabled, the microservice will use a test IODD file from the filesystem to use with a mocked sensor. Only useful for development.stringtrue, falsefalse
TRANSMITTERIDSerial number of the cluster (used for tracing)stringAnydefault
UPPER_POLLING_TIME_MSTime in milliseconds to define the upper bound of time between sensor pollingintAny1000
USE_KAFKAIf enabled, uses Kafka as a message brokerstringtrue, falsetrue
USE_MQTTIf enabled, uses MQTT as a message brokerstringtrue, falsefalse

Slowdown map

The ADDITIONAL_SLOWDOWN_MAP environment variable allows you to slow down and speed up the polling time of specific sensors. It is a JSON array of values, with the following structure:

    "serialnumber": "000200610104",
    "slowdown_ms": -10
    "url": "",
    "slowdown_ms": 20
    "productcode": "AL13500",
    "slowdown_ms": 20.01

20 - Tulip Connector

The technical documentation of the tulip-connector microservice, which exposes internal APIs, such as factoryinsight, to the internet. Specifically designed to communicate with Tulip.

Kubernetes resources

  • Deployment: united-manufacturing-hub-tulip-connector-deployment
  • Service:
    • Internal ClusterIP: united-manufacturing-hub-tulip-connector-service at port 80
  • Ingress: united-manufacturing-hub-tulip-connector-ingress


You can enable the tulip-connector and set the domain for the ingress by editing the values in the _000_commonConfig.tulipconnector section of the Helm chart values file.

Environment variables

Environment variables
Variable nameDescriptionTypeAllowed valuesDefault
FACTORYINSIGHT_PASSWORDSpecifies the password for the admin user for the REST APIstringAnyRandom UUID
FACTORYINSIGHT_URLSpecifies the URL of the factoryinsight microservice.stringAnyhttp://united-manufacturing-hub-factoryinsight-service
FACTORYINSIGHT_USERSpecifies the admin user for the REST APIstringAnyfactoryinsight
MODESpecifies the mode that the service will run in. Change only during developmentstringdev, prodprod

API documentation